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OCTOBER 2010: Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context
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OCTOBER 2010: Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context

Although inclusive education of disabled children is now an accepted practice, it is often challenged by negative peer attitudes. Researchers at Tolouse University undertook an interventional study aimed at improving students’ attitudes towards their disabled peers.

Dr Peter Baxter, Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, spoke to one of the authors of the study, Dr Emmanuelle Godeau (Research Unit on Perinatal Epidemiology, Tolouse University) and to Professor Peter Rosenbaum (Professor of Pediatrics and Developmental Pediatrics, McMaster University) who wrote a commentary on this study.

Related articles:
'Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context: a cluster randomized intervention study' by Emmanuelle Godeau et al.

'Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context' by Peter Rosenbaum.
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