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DECEMBER 2010: Suicide risk in adolescents with chronic illness
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DECEMBER 2010: Suicide risk in adolescents with chronic illness

Introducing the December 2010 podcast for Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology is Dr Peter Baxter, Editor in Chief of the journal. This podcast discusses the paper: ‘Suicide risk in adolescents with chronic illness: implications for primary care and specialty pediatric practice: a review’ authored by Donald Greydanus, Dilip Patel and Helen Pratt. Dr Peter Baxter talks to Professor Greydanus (Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, USA) and Dr Theresa Lax-Pericall (Consultant Child Psychiatrist, King’s College London and The National Centre for You People with Epilepsy) about the background and points that were highlighted within this review.
Read the review here:
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