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Resilience and recovery from burnout
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Resilience and recovery from burnout
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Kevin Eva, Editor in Chief of Medical Education, talks to Liselotte Dyrbye (Associate Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota, USA), who has, along with her colleagues, published an article in the October issue (Volume 44, Issue 10) of Medical Education entitled ‘Factors associated with resilience to and recovery from burnout: a prospective, multi-institutional study of US medical students’. Kevin and Liselotte discuss why the topic of burnout has become such a
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priority for the medical education community.
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Podcasts from the journal The Clinical Teacher.
Podcasts from The Clinical Teacher
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Teachers: Improving the content of feedback
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Stations currently include–
97.1 FM KCYN in Moab
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Segments cover a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities including Hunting, Off Highway Vehicles, Fishing, Camping, Hiking, Off-Highway Vehicles, Boating, Family Recreation, Skiing, First Aid, Preparedness, Safety, Snowmobiling, Photography, Wildlife Viewing, Adventure Travel, etc.
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