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The Fourth Wall Podcast covers everything that makes life worth living: Comic Books, Film/TV, Video Games, Anime, Giant Robots, Winged Serpents, and the sweet taste of Slurm!
Fourth Wall Podcast
Hintergrundinformationen und Analysen zum Videospielemarkt, Nerd- und Fachwissen und eine gehörige Portion Humor: Das ist das angestrebte Ziel des Spielecast-Teams. Sieben Moderatoren mit langjährigen Erfahrungen im Games-Bereich widmen sich zu diesem Zweck jeden Mittwoch und Sonntag einem bestimmten Thema – sei es eine Diskussion, ein Portrait oder eine Reportage.
Dank des unterschiedlichen Hintergrundes der Moderatoren ergeben sich hier spannende Gespräche, die den Stil und die Detailfülle des Vorgängerprojektes "Konsolenpodcasts" auf eine neue Ebene heben wollen.
Spielecast - Serious about Gaming
Movies, TV, Videogames and a host of other topics of Nerd life that we a completly unqualified to talk about.
Lords of Nerdtown
Ramblings of a Canadian and an American
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Follow Ryan on Twitter @gobo
Follow Joe on Twitter @MrBalls
Internet Boyfriends
Chris Oatley is a visual development artist and content creator for film, television and other media. The aim of this podcast is to inform and inspire creatives of all types and to reveal and record the process behind his work.
Chris Oatley's ArtCast
A podcast of a group of German game designers about various Aspects of Game Design. Held in English.
Game Design Reviews Podcast Show
The Weekly Alrightok brand podcast. In between tee shirt and apparel talk we usually throw in random pop culture nonsense. Winners never sleep.
Winnie Cooper » Winnie Cooper
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This show is all about the World Of Warcraft in game economy, and how to make vast amounts of gold through the auction house.
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Italiano \ Leisure \ Video Games
Italiano \ Technology \ Podcasting
Italiano \ Premium Learning \ Cinematography \ Film Making
Italiano \ Caribbean \ Bahamas
Italiano \ Discover By Location \ North America \ United States \ New Hampshire \ Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester
Italiano \ Discover By Location \ Europe \ Netherlands \ National Networks \ Radio 10 Gold
Italiano \ Talk \ Public / National \ Books-Conversation \ Interviews
Italiano \ Talk \ News
Italiano \ Audio Books \ Social Sciences \ Current Events
Italiano \ News & Politics \ Business News
Italiano \ Leisure \ Games
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This show is all about the World Of Warcraft in game economy, and how to make vast amounts of gold through the auction house.
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