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Your concert music composition career: discussion, strategies and techniques. Visit my website to see more of my scores and download some sheet music:, or email at
Creativity & Composition
une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
Finally! A free classical piano podcast with no ads and no memberships! Lisztonian ( provides free classical piano music from popular composers and works. I try to put out a new recording each week so if you enjoy the classics, then please subscribe. You can keep up with my recordings and other commentary on my blog at podcast includes recordings from the following composers: Franz Liszt, Johann Sebastian Bach, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann, Moritz Moszkowski, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Aram Khachaturian, Franz Schubert, Gabriel Faure, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Modest Moussorgsky, Edvard Grieg, Claude Debussy, Felix Mendelssohn, Cesar Franck, John Field, Mikhail Glinka, Alexander Scriabin, Johann Strauss, Jr., Isaac Albeniz, Stephen Heller. If you enjoy the music feel free to leave me feedback or visit my website at!
This podcast includes popular selections such as: Excerpts from Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C Sharp, Well Tempered Clavier: Prelude in C Major Original Version, Etude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 2, No. 1, The Separation, Waltz in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2, Minuet in G, L adieu Valse - The Farewell Waltz, Fur Elise or For Elise, Fantasy Impromptu in C# minor, Songs Without Words - Duetto, Pathetique - Patetica 2nd Movement, Impromptu Op. 90 (D. 899) No. 2 in E-flat, Nocturne in E-flat Major Op. 9 No. 2, Serenada, Two Arabesques for Piano, The Prelude - The Bells of Moscow, Arietta, After a Dream, Dreaming, Revolutionary Etude, Foreign Lands and People - from Kinderszenen, Impromptu No. 4 in A flat Major, Jesu, Joy of Man\'s Desiring, Liebestraume - Dream of Love - Love Dreams, Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement, Military Polonaise, Prelude in A Major Op. 28 No. 7, Ave Maria, Raindrop Prelude, Prelude in E Minor Op. 28 No. 4
SignMyPiano: Classical Music
Sascha Lupeski - It' damn motherfuckin' house music! Get ready for some kick ass house music mixes...
Sascha Lupeski - Podcast! Electro House,Tech House,Progressive House » Podcasts
Cutting edge performance poetry! One performance per show. Brought to you by the same people who send you incredible independent music. Collect them all!
IndieFeed: Performance Poetry Community
Produced and presented by Deek Deekster, Pod of Funk is a truly eclectic mix of everything funky - a fine selection of modern bassline-driven dance music from London, UK.
Pod of Funk
Imago is and is going to become a "World radio".
The audience rating is clear: Imago has got regular listeners in every web covered corner in the world. From Greece to China, from the USA to Sweden, from Cape Town to Tokyo, Baden Baden and Sydney.
Radio Imago
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Un luogo dove ascoltare Racconti, Versi, Confessioni... Mettetevi comodi e Buon Ascolto :)
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Podcast Ufficiale di iPhoneParodia a cura di Liam Lennon (Paolo Rossini)
I podcasts di Nuova Scicli Ondaiblea, audio, documenti, interviste sempre con te. Abbonati: è gratis!
Ondaiblea Podcast
Un luogo dove ascoltare Racconti, Versi, Confessioni... Mettetevi comodi e Buon Ascolto :)
Audio Storie
Podcast Ufficiale di iPhoneParodia a cura di Liam Lennon (Paolo Rossini)
I podcasts di Nuova Scicli Ondaiblea, audio, documenti, interviste sempre con te. Abbonati: è gratis!
Ondaiblea Podcast
Trasmissione settimanale di approfondimento dedicato al cittadino digitale. Franco Solerio e Massimo De Santo, veterani del podcasting italiano, commentano notizie, novità, avvenimenti dal mondo della rete.
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