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UK Stroke Forum/International Journal of Stroke collaboration
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UK Stroke Forum/International Journal of Stroke collaboration
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These podcasts are UK Stroke Forum/International Journal of Stroke collaboration interviews, with speakers and interviewers from the 2010 UK Stroke Forum Glasgow UK.
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This podcast concerns a letter submitted by Dr Kieran Walsh (Editorial Lead, BMJ Learning, BMJ Publishing Group, London, UK) in the November issue of Medical Education, entitled ‘This thorough, tedious, expensive and disappointing study’. Kevin Eva, Editor in Chief of Medical Education talks to Dr Walsh and finds out the reason why this letter was submitted to the journal.
Read the letter:
‘This thorough, tedious, expensive and disappointing study…’
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Authors Professor Yanick J Crow(Prof of Genetic Medicine, Manchester University) and Dr Vijeya Ganesan(Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Child Health, London, and Consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London) discuss the bacground of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome and the most recently idenitfied gene, SAMHD1 with Editor In Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dr Peter Baxter.
Please see below for a link to the paper:
Intracerebral large artery disease in Aicardi–Goutières syndrome implicates SAMHD1 in vascular homeostasis (p 725-732)
AUGUST 2010: Discussion of Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome and SAMHD1
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Dr Peter Baxter, Editor in Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, introduces a podcast based on an article in the November issue ‘Epilepsy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy due to perinatal arterial ischaemic stroke’ by J. Wanigansinghe et al. This paper is a retrospective study of children with cerebral palsy, particularly on those with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and is discussed in this podcast by Dr Simon Harvey (Director, Epileptic programme, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia) and Professor Brian Neville (Professor,Childhood Epilepsy, Institute of Child Health, London, UK).
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Epilepsy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy due to perinatal arterial ischaemic stroke, BRIAN NEVILLE
Epilepsy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy due to perinatal arterial ischaemic stroke JITHANGI WANIGASINGHE, SUSAN M REID, MARK T MACKAY, DINAH S REDDIHOUGH, A SIMON HARVEY, JEREMY L FREEMAN
NOVEMBER 2010: Epilepsy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy due to perinatal arterial ischaemic stroke
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International Journal of Stroke spoke with Padma Gunaratne, the President of the National Stroke Asdociation in Sri Lanka, who discusses her joy at winning the 2009 World Stroke Day Gold Medal. The medal came about through the hard work of four main organisations: the National Stroke Organisation in Sri Lanka, the World Stroke Organisation National office, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Services. International Journal of Stroke and Padma also address the issue of the burden of stroke in Sri Lanka.
Please see the following link to the article featured in the current issue of International Journal of Stroke:
World Stroke Day 2009, gold award winner : National Stroke Association of Sri Lanka (NSASL) (p 323-324) by Padma S. Gunaratne, Hamsananthy Jeevatharan.
Burden of Stroke in Sri Lanka with Padma Gunaratne
CLOTS - Clots in Legs Or sTockings after Stroke
The Clots trial now in it’s third stage CLOTS Trial 3 is a randomised trial to establish the effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic compression to prevent post stroke deep vein thrombosis (DVT) the International Journal of Stroke spoke to chief investigator Martin Dennis.
Martin Dennis and CLOTS
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Although inclusive education of disabled children is now an accepted practice, it is often challenged by negative peer attitudes. Researchers at Tolouse University undertook an interventional study aimed at improving students’ attitudes towards their disabled peers.
Dr Peter Baxter, Editor-in-Chief of Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, spoke to one of the authors of the study, Dr Emmanuelle Godeau (Research Unit on Perinatal Epidemiology, Tolouse University) and to Professor Peter Rosenbaum (Professor of Pediatrics and Developmental Pediatrics, McMaster University) who wrote a commentary on this study.
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'Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context: a cluster randomized intervention study' by Emmanuelle Godeau et al.
'Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context' by Peter Rosenbaum.
OCTOBER 2010: Improving attitudes towards children with disabilities in a school context
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