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This weekly podcast gets into the nuts and bolts of the current financial crisis: record joblessness / unemployment, record homelessness / foreclosures vis-a-vis economic policy decisions by the Obama Administration. The podcast analyses the bailouts / stimulus, Fed's decision to load up its balance sheet with toxic mortgage backed securities and derivatives there of, etc. Are all bankers greedy Friedmenites, power and status hungry parasites, double-speaking hypocrites, free-riding Goldmenites, and "toxy-morons?" How about the leaders of the Obama Economic Brain Trust, as in Dr. Summers and Mr. Geithner? Subscribe / listen to the podcast to find out...
Franconomics Weekly Economic Roundup
It can be the little things that make a difference in your financial health. Jennifer Kushinka offers tips to stretch your hard-earned dollars.
Watching Your Wallet
The Design Council are the national strategic body for design. We believe design can help people to do what they do, better. We're funded by the UK government, and we promote the use of design throughout the UK's businesses and public services. We demonstrate that design can play a vital role in strengthening our economy and improving our society.
Design Council
Entrepreneur Jason Calacanis and a rotating group of guest experts bring you this weekly take on the best, worst, most outrageous and interesting stories from the world of Web companies. Calacanis, a podcasting pioneer, gives you an insider\'s look at what\'s happening in the tech industry with his trademark blunt style and good humor. Looking to start your own company? Need strategies for improving your business or motivating your team? Just want to catch up on what\'s happening in Silicon Valley and beyond? Your journey begins here.
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Established in 1987 as a local radio talk show, Financial Sense moved to the Internet in 1997. Today our audience is the world ? reaching over 150 countries.
Financial Sense Newshour
Financial news on issues that are important to you with Chris DiSimio from 91.7 WVXU.
On The Money with Chris DiSimio from 91.7 WVXU Podcast
The Christian Financial Radio Network offers financial and spiritual content for investors and active traders. Along with live market updates throughout the trading day, listeners will hear interviews with CEO's of public companies, economic and market commentaries from a Christian perspective, spiritual encouragement, and the best in Contemporary Christian Music, 24 hours a day. Our flagship program - "Prosperity for God's People" a 2005 People's Choice Award winner, is now heard in over 20 countries every trading day from 11AM - 1PM eastern. Our host "CT", CEO of Christian Traders and CT Global Media, is also the founder of New Hope Orphanage and School in Kampala Uganda, East Africa. New Hope is home to over 900 AIDS orphans. Tune in as CT trades the S&P eMini live in real time with a daily goal of 2 points or a 20% ROI during each 2 hour broadcast.
Christian Financial Radio Network
The Disciplined Investor's Andrew Horowitz
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Benzinga's Business and Investing Podcast
Peterson Institute's Kirkegaard on why Greece should kick the can one more time
Peterson Institute's Kirkegaard on why Greece should kick the can one more time
The Disciplined Investor's Andrew Horowitz
Reuters MuniLand's Long on Jefferson County bankruptcy chances
TABB Group's McPartland on swap execution facilities and the debt ceiling
Standard Chartered's Green discusses China municipal debt, inflation, growth, and a Chinese view of the debt ceiling debate and QE3
Domini's Kanzer on social investing, fracking, corporate campaign funding, and the financial crisis
BGB Securities' Yake on Dunkin Donuts IPO, restaurant stocks
Nilson Report's Robertson on mobile payments
Brett McDonnell on Dodd-Frank, Keynesian vs. Austrian responses to financial crises
Bloomberg's Yueh on conflicting central bank mandates
Investigative reporter Kelly Carr on Cheyenne's 'House of Secrets' and corporate secrecy in America
Foundry Group's Feld on financial literacy for entrepreneurs and social media trends including Zynga and Google+
Threadless CEO Thomas Ryan on the future of Threadless, Atrium, social media
Capstone's Meeks on LNKD valuation, social media bubble
Dennis Gartman on the unraveling eurozone and the end of the gold party
David Zetland discusses water economics in the United States
STRATFOR'S Papic on Italy and Spain debt fears, Greece, and the irrelevance of ratings agencies
Oakland Institute's Mittal on GS and JPM's Africa farmland jaunt
UMKC's Black and Atlantic Equities' Lewis discuss BAC settlement
MSNBC's Ratigan discusses U.S. privatization of public assets
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Benzinga's Business and Investing Podcast
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