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Understanding the Scriptures
In this lesson, Carson wraps up the Understanding the Scriptures Bible course by empowering his students to read and interpret Scripture faithfully. He does this by examining paragraphs 109 through 119 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. First, we must determine the literal sense of the passage at hand by taking into account (1) the conditions of their time and culture, (2) the literary genres in use at that time, and (3) the modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating then current. Inseparable from and built upon the literal sense of Scripture, there are three additional spiritual senses that we may draw from the sacred page: (1) the allegorical, (2) the moral, and (3) the anagogical.
Due to the fact that Sacred Scripture is not a purely natural creation of man and is inspired by the Holy Spirit, there are three criteria that the Church provide us with to interpret the Bible. First, we must be attentive to the content and unity of the whole Scripture. This is necessary because of God's plan borne out in Salvation History. This unifying plan unites the different passages and books of Scripture. Second, we must read the Scripture within the living Tradition of the whole Church... because Scripture was written in the heart of God's covenant family, the Church, which lives and moves through time, ever retaining the Apostolic Tradition in her memory. Finally, we must be attentive to the analogy of faith, which is the coherence of the truths of divine revelation. God does not reveal mutually contradictory truths. This final criterion is taken from a piece of advice relayed by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans (12:6).
Ch. 30 - How to Read the Bible
In this lesson, Carson wraps up the Understanding the Scriptures Bible course by empowering his students to read and interpret Scripture faithfully. He does this by examining paragraphs 109 through 119 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. First, we must determine the literal sense of the passage at hand by taking into account (1) the conditions of their time and culture, (2) the literary genres in use at that time, and (3) the modes of feeling, speaking, and narrating then current. Inseparable from and built upon the literal sense of Scripture, there are three additional spiritual senses that we may draw from the sacred page: (1) the allegorical, (2) the moral, and (3) the anagogical.
Due to the fact that Sacred Scripture is not a purely natural creation of man and is inspired by the Holy Spirit, there are three criteria that the Church provide us with to interpret the Bible. First, we must be attentive to the content and unity of the whole Scripture. This is necessary because of God's plan borne out in Salvation History. This unifying plan unites the different passages and books of Scripture. Second, we must read the Scripture within the living Tradition of the whole Church... because Scripture was written in the heart of God's covenant family, the Church, which lives and moves through time, ever retaining the Apostolic Tradition in her memory. Finally, we must be attentive to the analogy of faith, which is the coherence of the truths of divine revelation. God does not reveal mutually contradictory truths. This final criterion is taken from a piece of advice relayed by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans (12:6).
Ch. 30 - How to Read the Bible
In this lesson, Carson speaks on the golden thread that holds the Bible and all of Salvation History together: the covenant. You will learn the different important aspects of a covenant and about oath-swearing, which is the means by which one enters into and renews the covenant. This covenant theology is related to what Scripture says and how an Israelite saw religion. This lesson will help you interpret Scripture not as a 21st century American (or whatever nationality you are), but as an ancient Israelite with a Hebrew, covenantal worldview.
An overview of the Old Testament is also given along with an introduction to the concept of Biblical typology.
Ch. 2 - The Old Testament
In this lesson, Carson focuses upon the language and structure of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. This allows us to discover the interpretive clues that the author of Genesis gives, which in turn serve as the key to unlocking the truths the author means to affirm. You will learn how the cosmos is one large temple in which the Garden of Eden serves as the sanctuary, the Holy of Holies. Adam is instructed to keep and guard the sanctuary as its priest, which helps us understand why as an unfallen, upright, just man, he would have so easily transgressed the divine command. These Old Testament realities are then shown to serve as types, which are fulfilled in the New Covenant antitypes of Jesus and Mary, the New Adam and the New Eve.
Ch. 3 - The Creation of the World
In this lesson, Carson covers Chapters 4 through 11 in the Book of Genesis. The author of Genesis contrasts the descendants of Cain (the evil seed of the serpent) with the line of Seth (the righteous seed of the woman), and various interpretive clues in the text help us to discern what the original human author intended to affirm. Noah is a New Adam. The Flood and the subsequent repopulation of the earth are presented as a New Creation. God's covenant family is at odds with those who attempt to create a name (Hebrew: shem) for themselves out of pride and vainglory. Calling upon the name of the Lord indicates covenant worship. Find out what the Hebrew names: Cain, Abel, and Seth mean and how Genesis 1-6 is a literary parallel of Genesis 7-11. All this and more in this podcast episode!
Ch. 4 - The Early World
In this lesson, Carson shows how the remainder of Salvation History is foretold in the three covenants God successively formed with Abram in Genesis 15, with Abraham in Genesis 17, and with Abraham's seed (Hb zerah) in Genesis 22. The first covenant (Gn 15) finds its fulfillment in the Mosaic Covenant when God forms Israel into a nation at the foot of Mount Sinai in the Arabian desert. The second covenant (Gn 17) is fulfilled in the Davidic Covenant when God takes the nation of Israel and transforms it into a kingdom under David, his heir Solomon, and each subsequent Davidic king. Finally, the third covenant (Gn 22) is fulfilled when Abraham's seed, Jesus, establishes the New Covenant wherein all the nations or families of the earth (i.e. the Gentiles) find blessing. You will see how the Biblical account of the binding of Isaac in Gn 22 (Hb aqedah) foreshadows the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross in several very significant ways.
Ch. 5 - Abraham, Our Father
In this lesson, Carson presents the Biblical account from the end of Abraham's life through the end of the Book of Genesis when all is well for the 12 tribes of Israel in Goshen, Egypt. This lesson covers the important events in the life of Isaac, then his son Jacob (who is renamed Israel by God), and finally Jacob's twelve sons, including Joseph who becomes the pharoah's chief steward or vizier. Joseph prefigures Jesus as an unjustly accused righteous man who is sold for silver, saves his kinsmen, and rises to the throne. Joseph also serves as a type of the chief steward whom Jesus appoints over his kingdom: St. Peter (Cf. Matthew 16). God reveals important things to both Joseph and Peter. Pharaoh and King Jesus ask Joseph Peter, respectively, a question regarding this revelation. Both give the revelation. This is followed by an acknowledgement that the revelation comes from God. Subsequently, Pharoah elevates Joseph to the level of vizier. Jesus elevates Peter to the level of vizier or prime minister. Pharoah gives Joseph his signet ring. Jesus gives Peter the keys to the kingdom. Yes indeed.. Genesis speaks of the papacy through the use of typology.
Don't miss out on this exciting episode full of captivating details that bring the Biblical narrative to life!
Ch. 6 - The Patriarchs
In this lesson, Carson explains the background of the narrative in the Book of Exodus, which in turn sheds light upon the story we read. Moses is presented as a New Noah, and early events in his life prefigure his vocation as liberator and ruler/judge of Israel. The 10 Plagues God wrought against Egypt through his servant and prophet Moses were not so much a demonstration of God's power - as if God were flexing his muscles - but more so are divine judgments upon the false idolatrous gods of Egypt. For example, the Nile was worshipped by the Egyptians as a god, and when its waters are turned to blood, the significance is that of God slaying this false Egyptian god. You will discover more typology in this lesson that will once again point to Jesus and the salvation he delivers for his New Covenant Family as the New Moses, especially as St. Paul teaches in the tenth chapter of his First Epistle to the Corinthians. The event of the exodus of Israel through the Red Sea prefigures Christian baptism. The manna in the wilderness prefigures the gift of the Holy Eucharist. Most importantly, the Passover lamb prefigures Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Ch. 7 - The Exodus
In this lesson, Carson begins where the last lesson left off with the Sinai Covenant wherein God enters into a solemn covenant relationship with the 12 Tribes of Israel. This covenant, which involves a sacrifice and a sacrificial meal, transforms Israel into a nation. The covenant law is the Book of the Covenant (Exodus 20-23). However, as soon as Israel enters into this covenant, Israel breaks it by committing a grave act of apostasy. Israel does so by constructing and worshipping a golden calf, which is a return to the idolatrous worship of the Egyptian Apis cult. This mortal sin causes the covenant curse to be administered. The Tribe of Levi slaughters 3,000 Israelites in one day. In doing so, Levi is granted the priesthood, and so the Levitical priesthood begins as a probationary, temporary priesthood to keep Israel, God's wayward son, in check until the time Jesus comes to completely deliver Israel from this broken covenant. Jesus will do this through his redemptive death upon the Cross. The Mosaic Law contains many commandments given after Israel apostatized in Genesis 32. This is why St. Paul says in Galatians 3:19, "Why then the Law? It was added because of transgressions, till the offspring (Jesus) should come to whom the promise had been made." You will also see how Moses serves as a type of Christ in the way he mediates between God and Israel in several significant instances.
Ch. 8 - The Law
In this lesson, Carson covers the history of salvation between the 40 years of Israel's wilderness wanderings and the rise of King Saul to the throne. We cover one of the most important books in the Old Testament: Deuteronomy, which means Second Law. It was delivered to the 2nd generation of Israelites (since the exodus from Egypt) on the plains of Moab, just east of the Jordan river, in response to that generation's apostasy at Beth-Peor through worship of Ba'al-Peor. In it, Moses delivers various concessionary laws that Ezekiel 20 describes as "not good" such as divorce remarriage, genocidal warfare, slavery, and concubinage. Structured like an ancient Hittite treaty between a suzerain king and a potentially rebellious vassal, Deuteronomy serves as Israel's national constitution, to keep Israel under probation. Towards the end, Moses tells Israel that it will transgress this Deuteronomic Covenant, it will incur its covenant curses, which includes eventual exile to a foreign land, and finally, Israel will be restored by God himself and be given a new, circumcised heart. Thereby, Moses has given Israel a preview of the rest of the Old Testament, which will be fulfilled in the New Testament through the gift of the Holy Spirit, which recreates the Christian with a new heart through sanctifying grace. This review of Deuteronomy will greatly serve the student of the New Testament in the task of understanding St. Paul, especially in what he writes in his Epistle to the Galatians.
Ch. 9 - The Rise of the Kingdom
In this lesson, Carson begins with the ascension of Saul to the throne of kingship over all 12 tribes of Israel in the First Book of Samuel. However, due to Saul's repetitious sin, he loses not only his dynasty (his own son will not succeed him) but his kingship as well. We discover that the words Messiah and Christ are the Hebrew and Greek terms, respectively, for "the anointed one." When the king is installed in office, he is anointed with a flask of oil, and it is this anointing that makes him "the Messiah" or "the Christ." God chooses David, a young shepherd boy, to replace Saul, and eventually, when Saul dies at the hand of the Philistines in battle, the Tribe of Judah anoints David as their king. David reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months before the other 11 tribes of Israel decided to make David their king as well. David reigned another 33 years over all Israel. It was during this time that God entered into the Davidic Covenant with King David, which is one of the most important covenants of the Old Testament. David's dynasty would never end, no matter how sinful the Davidic King will be. Eventually, one day, Jesus will arise in the line of David to be anointed at his own baptism in the Jordan River as to ascend to the throne in his Ascension into Heaven.
As an added bonus, we compare 2 Samuel 6 with Luke 1 to see how St. Luke the Evangelist portrays Mary as the New Ark of the New Covenant! So, tune in to this week's podcast and don't miss out on all there is to learn.
Ch. 10 - The Kingdom of David
In this lesson, Carson reviews the defining characteristics of the Davidic Covenant before moving into the reign of King Solomon. Bethsheba, whose name means Daughter of the Oath is elevated by her son, Solomon, to the office of Queen Mother. In eastern kingdoms - including the Davidic Kingdom - the mother of the king reigned as queen (not the king's wife). In Israel, the name Israelites used to refer to the Queen Mother is Gebirah, which is a Hebrew word meaning "Great Lady." We look at how this office is ultimately fulfilled by Mary, the mother of King Jesus, who is portrayed in St. John's Apocalypse as Queen Mother in the twelve chapter of the Book of Revelation.
Another prominent feature of Solomon's court is that of the vizier, which can be likened to the position of prime minister in the Western monarchies we are more familiar with. Just as Solomon built the Temple upon the eben shetiyah (Hebrew for "stone of foundation), so Jesus (the New Solomon) will build his Church (the New Temple) upon Peter (the New Eben Shetiyah). We then discern the papacy's foundation in Scripture using Isaiah 22:20-22, the narrative of Joseph and Pharaoh in Genesis, the narrative of Daniel Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel, the geography of Palestine, as well as Greek Aramaic etymology. When the evidence is clearly evaluated, we are able to understand how Scripture portrays Peter as the first pope.
Ch. 11 - Wise King Solomon
In this lesson, Carson covers 1 2 Kings, showing how the united Davidic Kingdom under Solomon split in 930 B.C. when Solomon died. This split in the Kingdom was ultimately God's punishment due to Solomon's threefold sin of (1) amassing wealth for himself, (2) acquiring a great number of wives who turned his heart to idolatrous worship, and (3) acquiring many horses for a standing army. These very three transgressions were forbidden in Deuteronomy 17. Solomon's son, Rehoboam, decided to harshen his father's rule by making the yoke on his subjects heavier. This poor decision resulted in the northern 10 tribes seceding under the reign of Jeroboam. This Northern Kingdom, bereft of the Davidic throne, is thereafter called by three popular names: Israel, Jacob, and Ephraem in the historical and prophetic books. The Southern Kingdom, now led by Rehoboam, consisted of only two of the original 12 tribes: Judah and Benjamin. It is now called the Kingdom of Judah. Since the Levites did not acquire tribal land and resided in the Levitical cities, both kingdoms contained descendants from the tribe of Levi as well. We also take a look at the ministry of Elijah and Elisha and see how this history foreshadows the ministry of both John the Baptist and Jesus.
Ch. 12 - The Divided Kingdom
In this lesson, Carson explains how the Deuteronomic curses (outlined in the Book of Deuteronomy) are fulfilled in both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms as they break the Old Covenant by committing the grave sin of idolatry. First, the Northern Kingdom (10 Tribes) is besieged, conquered, and exiled by Assyria in 722 B.C. The people who once inhabited the Northern Kingdom eventually lost their national identity when Assyria intermixed them among the foreign nations in their exile among those nations. Simultaneously, we read in 2 Kings 17 how Assyria imported 5 foreign conquered peoples into where the Northern Kingdom used to exist (i.e. Samaria), and the Israelites who remained in the land interbred with these foreigners creating halfbreeds who practiced a hybrid form of religion consisting of Torah and pagan idolatry. These people in Jesus' day were known as Samaritans.
The Southern Kingdom (2 Tribes) experienced the destruction of Jerusalem, its walls, and Solomon's Temple under the reign of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.. This Southern Kingdom is exiled to Babylon in three successive deportations. The Southern Kingdom only experienced exile in Babylon for around 70 years and were able to retain their national identity. When Medo-Persia conquered Babylon, the Persian King Cyrus decreed that the exiles could return to their homeland around 535 B.C.
Ch. 13 - Conquest and Exile
In this lesson, Carson covers some of the key Old Testament prophetic passages that foretell the restoration of all Israel under the descendant of King David: the Davidic King. We go through several key passages in the Book of Jeremiah and the Book of Ezekiel before taking a quick look at Chapter 52 of the Book of Isaiah. These passages, among others, bolstered the Messianic hopes of Israel both in the Babylonian Exile as well as upon returning to "the Land" and its capital city of Jerusalem, beginning in 538 B.C. Eventually, these hopes will find their fulfillment in the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the restoration he brings about in his one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church through the sacrament of baptism.
Ch. 14 - A Remnant Returns
In this lesson, Carson gives an overview of the history between when the exiled Jews first began to return to the Holy Land (i.e. Palestine) in 538 B.C. and the rule of Herod the Great when our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. We look into the reason why Israelites such as Jesus and his 12 Apostles spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew. We also take a look at what version of the Old Testament our Lord and the Apostles read and quoted from: the Septuagint.
The material this session covers includes 1 and 2 Maccabees, which you will find in Catholic Bibles, but not in Protestant Bibles. These two historical Old Testament books serve as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. They describe the revolt of pious Jews against the paganizing and tyrannous rule of Antiochus IV "Epiphanies" (meaning "God Manifest" because he considered himself the visible manifestation of Zeus). You will learn of how Alexander the Great conquered Persia, but when he died of fever, his empire was split among his 5 generals. Then, the Holy Land was vied after by the descendants of two of his generals: Ptolemy and Seleucus. We will see that Antiochus IV was a Seleucid king who wished to Hellenize (i.e. to spread the Greek culture) everyone everywhere, including the Jews. Eventually, the Jews under the leadership of Judas "Maccabeus" (meaning "the hammer") and his brothers won independence from Seleucid rule in 142 B.C. However, in 63 B.C., this independence was lost to Rome when Pompey took control of Jerusalem.
Ch. 15 - Revolt of the Maccabees
In this lesson, Carson goes over the various religious groups in the Holy Land both when Jesus was born and when he went about his ministry at approximately the age of 30. In order to understand Jesus and his ministry clearly, we need to first look at the historical environment in which he lived. We begin by examining the reign of King Herod the Great (37 to 4 B.C.). Who was he and what was he up to with his massive building projects (e.g. the Temple)? Then, we examine his three sons who each ruled over a part of his kingdom after his death. First we have Archelaus who ruled over Idumea, Judea, and Samaria; then there is Herod Antipas who reigned over Galilee and Perea; finally, there is Philip who reigned over the northern Transjordan region (east of the Jordan river).
This session covers the identity of the Pharisees and the two main divisions among them: the Shammaites and the Hillelites. We also look at the nature of the Sadducees as well as the Essenes. By understanding each of these different ways of being "Jewish," we are able to understand the Gospels and the New Testament better. We take the time to understand what Saint Paul meant when he said "works of the law" (in Greek: ergon nomos), and why these works of the law were so important to zealous Jews in his day.
Ch. 16 - The World of the New Testament
In this lesson, Carson introduces the 27 books of the New Testament. We start off the spring semester (Chapters 17 through 30) by reading paragraph 129 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which reads: "Christians therefore read the Old Testament in the light of Christ crucified and risen. Such typological reading discloses the inexhaustible content of the Old Testament; but it must not make us forget that the Old Testament retains its own intrinsic value as Revelation reaffirmed by our Lord himself (Mark 12:29-31). Besides, the New Testament has to be read in the light of the Old. Early Christian catechesis made constant use of the Old Testament (1 Cor. 5:6-8; 10:1-11). As an old saying put it, the New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New (St. Augustine, Quaestiones in Heptateuchum 2:73)." An overview of the four Gospels is given. We look at who wrote the Gospels, who their audiences most probably were, as well as the major themes they contain. We then move on to discuss Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul's 13 Epistles, the Epistle to the Hebrews, the 7 Catholic Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
Ch. 17 - The New Testament
In this lesson, Carson begins with an explanation of the Christological definition formulated at the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D. (a location which is now a part of the modern day city of Istanbul). He then speaks about the two means by which God has successively dealt with humanity. In the Old Testament, God descended (katabasis) to our human level in dealing with us, by offering us temporal goods as rewards and conceding to our sinful longings. This condescension came to a climax in the Incarnation when he took upon himself a human body and a human soul. In the New Testament, God takes on our humanity in order to lift us up out of our misery, so that we might ascend (anabasis) into the heights of his divinity. At this point, we read from the important passage Peter wrote in 2 Peter 1:4 - "he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature."
We look closely at how Jesus identified himself with the Temple (in the end of John 2) and with how St. John - in the prologue of his Gospel - speaks of the Incarnation in the same terms, which describe how God came down upon the tabernacle among Israel in the Sinai wilderness. From here, we move into St. Luke's Gospel, which begins with a very clear and precise indication of the historicity and verifiable nature of the information presented: "Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile a narrative of the things which have been accomplished among us, just as they were delivered to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word, it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent The-oph'ilus, that you may know the truth concerning the things of which you have been informed" (Luke 1:1-4).
Come join us as we delve into the rich Old Testament allusions Luke paints in his beautiful Gospel. Caution: This will change the way you read St. Luke... from now on, you won't read it in the same light.
Ch. 18 - The Incarnation
In this lesson, Carson explains the baptism of Jesus, his temptation in the desert wilderness, the wedding at Cana (found in John 2), as well as Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom. We hearken back to Old Testament typology and prophetic themes, which stand as a backdrop to these Gospel narratives. We switch back and forth between the Gospels of Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John as we unveil the hidden meaning behind "what Jesus did."
When you tune into this episode, you will discover...
...why Jesus - who was without sin - submitted to a baptism of repentance.
...what the significance was of the devil tempting Jesus in the wilderness.
...why Jesus turned 180 gallons of water into the best of wine at a wedding.
...what kingdom Jesus meant when he said, "the kingdom of heaven is at hand!"
...what significance there is in where Jesus began his ministry: Capernaum.
...the meaning behind the number of apostles Jesus chose.
Ch. 19 - What Jesus Did
In this lesson, Carson examines the first thing Jesus says in Mark's Gospel, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel." (Mark 1:15) by looking back at its rich Old Testament background, especially as found in Isaiah 52. It is there that we discover the term "gospel," which indicates the long awaited restoration of the Davidic Kingdom: the Kingdom of David.
We then take an extended look at the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), the first of five discourses Matthew's Gospel presents to us. It is in this famous sermon where Jesus, as the New Moses, indicates what he expects of his disciples. As Moses gave the Old Law (the Mosaic Law) after receiving it atop Mt. Sinai, so Jesus "went up on the mountain" (Mt 5:1) and gave the New Law. The Old Law was the positive law of the state, with the intention of showing the Israelites how to be good citizens. The New Law will demand sanctity, as we are called and empowered to become "saints of the Most High" (Daniel 7:27).
As an added bonus, this podcast episode will give new insight into the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) by examining its Old Testament backdrop. Each petition of this well-known prayer shares something in common that pertains to a prominent Old Testament theme. Listen to this episode to find out what that is!
Ch. 20 - What Jesus Taught