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"In Food We Trust” Photo Essay Contest

Listen up fellow farmers/music lovahs! is gifting two tickets to Bonnaroo! Did I mention I'm a judge? Well I am. Neko Case and Booker T will be performing at Bonnaroo and I'm working on attending the event. I may even give seed starting demos! Ah whut?!

In a series of six (6) photos or fewer, show: How are you eating differently these days and how are you connecting to the sources of your food?

Example: Are you growing some of your own food? What are you growing and how? Do you know your farmer? What does he/she look like?

Contest Deadline: Thursday May 14th 2009 at 11:59pm ET
Winners Announced: Monday May 18th 2009

Please visit for all pertinent details.
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Victory Home & Garden