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Confronting Housing Past[s], Imagining Housing Futures; Shuron Jones, organizer; 9-Jul-2023

Shuron will elaborate on past and present efforts toward housing justice in St. Louis. Since and before the historic Kraemer ruling, St. Louis has provided spatial, economic, social, and cultural restraints and opportunities to advance equity and liberation through housing justice. Housing work has provided incentives for disparate communities to form alliances around changes and policies to better living conditions. This work, legacy, and alliance building continues because of the seemingly insurmountable current housing system that is broken for most: evictions, which affect Black women with children the most, are on the rise while wages remain stagnant; rents are continually rising with no checks on increases; assistance and moratoria have ended; and renter workers are retaliated against for reporting conditions issues. Renter-workers are demanding equity through housing justice and their voices have not and will not go unheeded. After living under and being evicted by a slumlord, Shuron Danielle Jones (she/her) began organizing around housing with Homes for All - St. Louis in 2019. Jones' work focuses on the research, passage, implementation, and evaluation of legislation and policies that forward renter-worker protections. Shuron assisted in crafting the Four and More for STL Renters campaign to introduce a Right to Counsel, Tenant Bill of Rights, an Office of Tenant Advocacy, and a City-Wide Tenant Union to the St. Louis Board of Aldermen. Shuron is also a public researcher, historian, and analyst, focusing on the work, lives, and organizing/advocacy/writings of Radical Queer Black Women in the Midwest from the 1970
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