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Elmira, Huntress of the Night- the perfect look for all those Elvira Fans! Beauty Cast once again shows you Halloween is now SEXY, not Scary! This episode/tutorial shows you step by step how to achieve this glamorous Elvira like look- using your OWN make up! We also show you many tips and techniques including how to measure, glue and stack false eyelashes!
Dark Huntress of the Night! Halloween Sexy Make Up
A celebration of Spanish Lifestyle, Culture, and Food.
The chimes of Big Ben were drowned out by the clicking of castanets as London's famous Borough Market went Mediterranean, Budding gourmets and Spanish enthusiasts indulged their taste-buds as the week long 'Taste of Spain' festival concentrated on matters food and drink. It's part of a push to encourage British people to sample the Spanish experience, and hopefully encourage even more of us to take a trip to Spain on holiday. To see just what was served up, take a look at this video.
Taste Of Spain
Mark Porter on reinventing the print and online versions of The Guardian. Filmed at the Society for News Design Workshop in Boston, October 13, 2007.
Reinventing the Guardian
These podcasts contain examples of work from students on the graphic design BA course at Central Saint Martins. They show what it is like to be a student here at the University of the Arts in London. You can see samples of work made by students as they explore the wide subject of graphic design. We collaborate with the design community here in London and there is a record here of a project we did with the Design Museum.
CSM First Year Graphic Design Podcast
ANTIDOTE is a magic potion that transforms negative into positive and evokes joy, wonder,
love and success.”
“ANTIDOTE is more than a fragrance. It's an attitude.
An attitude that opens a door in your mind and invites you to enjoy infinity…”
Viktor & Rolf
“The only antidote is you alone. When did you go?
Even though you were never mine to start with.
Even though one day the golden age will come.
But until then, this bottle of perfume will have to do.
Because the only antidote is you.”
Rufus Wainwright
Motion Graphics Demo Reel
David Ko Motion Graphic Artist
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 150 billion archived web pages. The Internet Archive is working to prevent the Internet - a new medium with major historical significance - and other "born-digital" materials from disappearing into the past. Collaborating with institutions including the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian, we are working to preserve a record for generations to come.
Internet Archive
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American cable channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers ages 2–6. Since 2006, Nickelodeon has been run by MTVN Kids & Family Group President Cyma Zarghami. It is ranked as the #1 cable channel as of 2011,[1] and had been promoted as "The First Kids' Network," as it was the first American television network aimed at children since the Pinwheel days.
STYLE.COM, a CondéNet site, is one of the most excellent fashion websites today. by CondéNet is a wonderful example of what can be developed with the proper resources. is a member of the Advance Publications family, They certainly have great experience in fashion media both online as well as offline.
O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazines, research, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and galvanizing their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future.
O'Reilly Media, Inc.
29HD Network's mission is to highlight, bring forward and present interesting, intriguing, enlightening and visually stunning programming via media delivery platforms like the Video iPod, Sony PSP, broadband 2.0 and including a cable and satellite network delivered in HD and 5.1 surround sound formats
29HD Network
Visit ABC online for information on ABC daytime and primetime network programming. Watch full episodes of your favorite ABC shows and browse exclusive online content.
ABC - Official Site of the ABC Network
Next New Networks is the leading provider of original entertainment programming for the Internet. With the two most-viewed videos of 2010, more than 1.5 billion views since our launch in 2007, over 5 million subscribers, 10 Webby Awards, and some of the biggest hits on the Web.
Next New Networks
Next New Networks - Countown To One Billion Video Views!
Podcasting, RSS Feed, XML Feed. Visit Business Week for up-to-date podcasts, news feeds and online news. Podcasts use an RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) to deliver updated information in an xml feed.
Online News Feeds : RSS Feeds, XML Feeds
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Bite-sized and thought provoking, Edits are vital life improvements curated in a fast-paced well-researched collection.
Monocle Edits
Insights into urbanism, architecture, landscape and engineering design
Urban Design Group
The hottest products and most innovative design ideas from the 2009 International Builders Show
House Beautiful Presents News and Trends from the 2009 International Builders Show
Rikki Knight Photography specializes in Wedding, Engagement, Maternity, Family, Children and High School Senior
Rikki Knight Photography
Atlanta Pecha Kucha is an informal forum for creative work encompassing a range of disciplines: advertising, architecture, art, fashion, food, graphics, media (digital, moving, mixed), products... Our Podcast are enhanced with multimedia format that allows images to be displayed in time with audio. Additionally, all supporting images were left in there large format to be best effective as tools for sharing and experiencing the presenters intention.
Atlanta Pecha Kucha Podcast
Launched in February 2007, Monocle is a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design. Headquartered in London with bureaux in Tokyo, Sydney, Zürich and New York, Monocle appears 10 times a year in print and is updated constantly at Developed for an international audience hungry for information across a variety of sectors, Monocle offers a comprehensive global briefing under a single editorial brand. In print and online, writers and photographers are dispatched to over 50 countries every issue to deliver stories on forgotten states, alluring political figures, emerging brands, fresh forces in popular culture and inspiring design solutions.
Presented by Hot Off The Press President Paulette Jarvey and Ann Bernklau, Paper Wishes Weekly Webisodes feature a new and different paper crafting technique each week-from the comfort of your own computer! Each video segment runs about 5-20 minutes and features the latest products, techniques, ideas and instruction—all at the click of a mouse.
Paper Wishes Weekly Webisodes
Learn to draw and digital painting online video tutorials. Drawing realistic, portrait, figure, comics, characters, creatures, and Manga online tutorials from professional concept artist Xia Taptara.
TheArtClasses Podcast
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
Fallen from the future, a boy's Virtual Holografix Game Deck,
finds itself locked inside the Internet... Searching links to its First Person Shooter, the Game Deck triangulates his position and reloads his deleted code into a parallel device...
metro holografix
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (hd)
House Beautiful, Town&Country and Veranda magazines partnered with three distinguished interior designers—Thom Filicia, Richard Mishaan and John Saladino—to furnish and decorate three luxury townhouses, themed to their favorite films, at Soho Mews, a new residential development of 68 dwellings designed by noted architects Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, and landscape architect Peter Walker, at 311 West Broadway in Manhattan's trendy Soho neighborhood.
Designer Visions: Cinema Style at Soho Mews
Video podcast that covers opening receptions / previews of selected art venues and interviews artists and other protagonists of the world of contemporary art, design and architecture. Web site:
VernissageTV art tv
Bypassing hype, Design is dedicated to unearthing emerging and established talent.
Monocle Design
Country Living, House Beautiful, O at Home and Veranda invited four distinguished design teams to furnish and decorate the interiors of four luxury redidences loacated inside a new 33-story glass-clad tower on New York's scenic West Side.
Designer Visions at 10 West End Avenue
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