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How to Plant Spring Bulbs in your Garden
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How to Plant Spring Bulbs in your Garden

Autumn is upon us and for gardeners that means planting their spring bulbs. If you follow the basics, the flower beds will burst with colour, but how do you know if you are doing things the right way?
In this video author and gardening expert Martyn Cox demonstrates the basics and gives useful tips and original ideas for planting schemes. Martyn goes through different bulb planting techniques from the basic style to lasagne planting in pots, planting in flower beds and more unusual designs such as a tower of muscari.

Martyn is the author of several gardening books including Gardening with Kids, 101 Ideas for Small Gardens and RHS Wildlife Garden, and is inspirational to seasoned gardeners and novices alike. Says Martyn, "Planting spring bulbs is easy, fun, and come springtime the results are fantastic. And what's more the whole family can get involved."
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