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Paul Washer & Tim Conway video excerpts, sermon jams, and faq's for download in video format to help spread the truth of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I'll Be Honest - Paul Washer & Tim Conway Videos
Have you ever wondered what the book of Revelation was all about? This video series may give you some additional insights into understanding the book of Revelation. The book of revelation reveals that God will soon inflict on the world a series of 14 plagues. These events will not occur in random order nor will they be freak disasters caused by nature. The 7 first plagues are called seven trumpets" in Revelation because they serve the purpose of warning or awakening the people of Earth to the glorious arrival of Jesus Christ. The 7 last seven plagues are called the seven bowls because they represent seven full cups of God's vengeance that he will pour out upon his enemies. Although the Bible completely explains these events, they will come as an overwhelming surprise for most people. Our creator has carefully designed these coming events to achieve His goals, and He will carefully execute these judgments so that He can redeem the maximum number of people.
Bible Prophecy Revealed [HD]
What people build on, what gives them support and the values they hold: For many, that is a question of faith.
Every first Sunday of the month DW-TV's monthly feature on religion gives insights into matters of faith.
Faith Matters: The Church Program
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Life-impacting, high-energy messages from Pastor Trevor Barton. The driving purpose of our fellowship is to develop dedicated followers of Christ who are passionately consumed with falling more in love with God, and deeper in love with people. We desire to cultivate a life-changing environment through dynamic worship, relevant teaching, healthy friendships, and serving others.
Hawk Creek Baptist Church Sermon Video Podcast: Pastor Trevor Barton
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