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Traditional recitation of the Vedas with explanations and Indian music
Vedic Mythology, Music, and Mantras
A non-technical perspective on Jyotish (Indian astrology) presented through conversations with leading practitioners of this ancient art. We are not giving jyotish lessons, but rather attempting to show what is possible to know through Jyotish, what Jyotish can teach us about ourselves and the world, how Jyotish works, and how it relates to the great vedic tradition of ancient India. Listening to these podcasts will inspire you to learn more and will help to make a reading of your individual chart more meaningful and profound.
Jyotish Conversations
A series of lectures given by Dulal Chandra dasa on devotional service as presented in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam with emphasis on the practice of bhakti yoga. These lectures present knowledge of Krishna Consciousness as taught by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his illustrious followers, the six goswamis. Dulal Chandra dasa is a direct disciple of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Although I lack any personal qualification to lecture on the lofty subject of self realization, this presentation is my humble attempt to repeat what I have heard from my spiritual master and pass it on without adulteration. In this way I hope to serve the desire of my guru and provide you with some gems of transcendental wisdom that will hopefully spark an interest in ending your entanglement in material existence and becoming firmly reestablished in your eternal spiritual position.
I present myself before you with a straw between my teeth, begging that you will listen to what is presented here with an open mind and heart. The transcendental wisdom which will be presented here is of the upmost importance for everyone wishing to advance to the topmost platform of spiritual awareness. This knowledge is descending through an unbroken chain of self realized spiritual masters directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Lectures on Transcendence
All about His Holiness Prahladananda Swami
Prahladananda Swami
Find engaging discourses providing life solutions, meditation instructions, audio books and meditation music for free in this channel.
Discourses offer easy-to-follow techniques on relieving stress, fighting depression, understanding emotions and living enlightenment. A greater understanding of life concepts is delivered through simple and succinct language, making the message straight, simple and yet powerful.
Nithyananda Life Solutions is the one-stop for enlightened living. Participate at:
Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Podcast
Chris and Dave Smorgasbord Radio Show and SmorgShow Podcast legend Baba Gonesh begins his very own podcast. Subscribe to hear various bits of Baba's wisdom including, "Thought for the Day", "Comedy Camel". "Baba's Indian Folk Tales", "Baba News from India", and updates on Baba's Chicago Restaurant, "The Hidden Palace - A Taste of Baba". After just a single listen, you will quickly understand why Baba is known worldwide as the "Master of the Wide Open Spaces Between the Ears". You can also catch Baba on the SmorgShow Podcast, available on iTunes.
Not Just for Baba Anymore - The Wisdom of Baba Gonesh
Satsang discussing all aspects of yoga, the vedas, tantra and tantric philosophy. Storytelling from hindu and buddhist mythology, and musings on spiritual living and speculation on the mysterious nature of the universe. Occasional guided meditations, advice on pranayama and asana practice.
Satsang with Sitar
Über Leben und Werk von Swami Sivananda, Yoga Meister 1887-1963
Swami Sivananda » Swami Sivananda Podcast Feed
This podcast is for anyone interested in the Epic Literature of India, its spiritual philosophies, the life and background of Krishna, and all the fascinating stories from the great epic The Mahabharata.
Mahabharata Podcast
Hindu Mantras for healing and wellness. Mantra Chanting is an age old technique used for spiritual healing, and empowerment.
Shani Mantras recited by Sandeep Khurana
Here's an ideal course for enriching your yoga in the company of inspired teachers and students. Each session includes readings, analysis, audiovisuals, verse recitations and practical insights in India's essential wisdom text. Attendees will discover the message of the Gita, master basic vocabulary and concepts, and acquire skills for teaching and practicing Gita philosophy.
Gita Wisdom Teachings by Joshua M. Greene (Yogesvara)
Om Namaha Shivaya - Shiva Mantra Chants recited by Sandeep Khurana
Om Nama Shivaya - Shiva Mantra Chants recited by Sandeep Khurana
Every week Srila Dhanuradhara Swami shares his realizations on Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta.
Weekly Sanga
Sacred Hindu Mantras recited by Sandeep Khurana
Om Mantra Chants for Empowerment
Bhagwad Gita
Krishna Hare Krishna - Mantra Chants
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