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Can life lessons we learn from movies prepare us for the end of civilization? Is Harry Potter the new Star Wars? Has modern science fiction lost its way? Are housewives ruining American television?
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TORN from the pages of his bestselling compendium of fake facts, MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, John Hodgman presents TODAY IN THE PAST, transmitted directly from the computer to your ears in his own RECORDED VOICE. The first page-a-day calendar with no physical pages, TODAY IN THE PAST will provide you not only the date, but also a fascinating historical fact that did not occur on that date, because it was made up by John Hodgman, Resident Expert and Famous Minor Television Personality.
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une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
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