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Paradigm Bible Study
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This is a weekly release of 12 Step audio from many different 12 step groups, however mostly AA groups. This will not be one person sharing their wisdom but instead many different mp3's of many different people who have been working the 12 step program.
12 Step Podcast
The narrated text of Revealing® World Religions, by Cynthia Eller. A compelling look at the principles and practice of the world's major religions. The eleven modules include Exploring Religion, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Religious Pluralism. Courseware that works. ® Learn more about the full product at
Revealing® World Religions
The purpose of this podcast is to spread the "REAL TRUTH" about the Mormon Church and expose the true history, fraud and lies that the Mormon Hierarchy would rather not discuss. It's time to uncover the lies and reveal them to the world!!
Mormon Truths!!
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon is a daily children’s series that ran between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 1938. The story begins with six year old Jonathan Thomas lying in bed on Christmas Eve with his teddy bear Guz. While he is lying in bed two elves slide down a moonbeam into his room. Guz, his teddy bear, chase the elves back up the moonbeam and Jonathan Thomas follows in order to get his Guz back.
Upon reaching the moon Jonathan Thomas meets the Man in the Moon and his horse Gorgonzola. After being accused of kidnapping Santa Claus, the troop is commanded to bring back him in time for Christmas.
On their adventure they confront evil witch, a dragon with thirteen tales and they meet several characters from the Lewis Carol classic: Alice in Wonderland.
Will they be able to rescue Santa Claus from the Squeebubblians in time to save Christmas?
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon
What is your spiritual path like? Some folks don't think they have one, but we all do. Why is it that one way of going makes someone miserable while others going the same way seem so happy?
Religion is like underwear: what works well for one person might be totally inappropriate for someone else.
No preaching or "follow my way" here, but a way to find the doors and windows that you might like to peek through in finding your own path.
All spiritual paths are welcome here, although some might not like all of that personal responsibility!
The Secrets In Plain Sight!
Michael McAlister's Zen-inspired, non-dogmatic, and often amusing teachings work to inspire Awakening in this lifetime.
Infinite Smile
Weekly astrology forecast. Concise, accurate and helpful. No knowledge of astrology needed!
This Week in Astrology
Paradigm Bible Study
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Paradigm Bible Study is a weekly worship gathering for students who attend Texas Tech University and other Lubbock area colleges. For more information about Paradigm, visit
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