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Mormon Truths!!
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Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon is a daily children’s series that ran between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 1938. The story begins with six year old Jonathan Thomas lying in bed on Christmas Eve with his teddy bear Guz. While he is lying in bed two elves slide down a moonbeam into his room. Guz, his teddy bear, chase the elves back up the moonbeam and Jonathan Thomas follows in order to get his Guz back.
Upon reaching the moon Jonathan Thomas meets the Man in the Moon and his horse Gorgonzola. After being accused of kidnapping Santa Claus, the troop is commanded to bring back him in time for Christmas.
On their adventure they confront evil witch, a dragon with thirteen tales and they meet several characters from the Lewis Carol classic: Alice in Wonderland.
Will they be able to rescue Santa Claus from the Squeebubblians in time to save Christmas?
Jonathan Thomas and His Christmas on the Moon
Beyond Ghosts is the interactive paranormal radio show which allows anyone and everyone the opportunity to be a “ghost hunter!” By creating a community of openness and truth, both believers and skeptics alike can find a new home with Beyond Ghosts Interactive Paranormal. This is truly the "one stop" for all paranormal enthusiasts, regardless of their level of involvement.
Beyond Ghosts works to make the Paranormal accessible, credible, exciting, and of course fun, without separating fact from fiction, that’s left to the audience to decide for themselves. We cover all aspects of paranormal investigation and research, talk to those actively involved in the field, discuss “high profile” cases and places of interest, review the current trends in paranormal entertainment, broadcast live from locations deemed “active,” and provide anyone and everyone the opportunity to participate in actual investigations when applicable! Yeah, we're talking live ghost hunting events brothers and sisters! Beyond Ghosts Interactive Paranormal also showcases some of the best raw, unsigned musical talent found anywhere, each and every week! True story.
Beyond Ghosts Interactive Paranormal Podcast
Fusion & Detonation are thought processes that improve life, defy aging, and death. The laws of science and ancient religion are identical. When properly applied to the mind, you can perform supernatural feats which are actually normal for us all. Come learn to live beyond the veil and be free.
Fusion & Detonation - Podcast By Semaj - A NYC-based resource for your own unique spiritual journey. was created by New York City yogis and spiritual seekers to help others make sense of their own unique spiritual path. Join us as we conduct interviews with contemporary masters and explore the worlds of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Ayurveda, Siddha Vaidya, East-meets-West Consciousness, Human Evolution, Creativity, Spirituality in the NYC and the Modern World, Contemporary Spiritual Teachers, Modern Gurus, Healers, Therapists, Nutritionists, Psychics, Scientists, Artists, Philosophers and Visionaries. Explore more at or - The NYC Dharma Podcast & The Path of No Path
Paradigm Transformation.
Paradigm Transformation
Here you can get the FREE weekly sermons presented at The Village Church in Jonesboro, GA. The Village Church is located on the south side of metro Atlanta in Jonesboro, Georgia. Services are every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. as well as a Bible study every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. No matter where you've been, no matter where you are - you're welcome at the Village.
The Village Church (audio)
Mormon Truths!!
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The purpose of this podcast is to spread the "REAL TRUTH" about the Mormon Church and expose the true history, fraud and lies that the Mormon Hierarchy would rather not discuss. It's time to uncover the lies and reveal them to the world!!
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