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Verve is a showcase of local artists -- those already known and those yet to be discovered. Viewers will get a look inside the artists' worlds -- their creative processes, studio and work environments, and thoughts on inspiration. The Verve video podcast is part of the SEATTLE CHANNEL'S Art Zone, an innovative, first-in-the-nation TV project that creates programming celebrating local arts and culture and encourages people to go out and take part in the region's rich cultural life in person.
Verve Seattle
Join DEATH, as he tours the countryside interviewing several of Discworlds colourful characters, including its creator Terry Pratchett to uncover some truths about the amazing flat universe. Terry Pratchett's Hogfather: 8pm, Sunday December 17th and 18th on Sky One. For more information go to
12 Days of Hogswatch (Video)
Photography tutorials and videos posted every Wednesday. Hosted by Ted Forbes. For previous shows and additional content, visit our website - Get beyond camera reviews and tech talk. Lets dig deeper into the art of making photographs!
The Art of Photography
An all-inclusive subscription feed for all of Zoom In Online's podcast series, offering exclusive access to the latest in creative culture, entertainment and technology. For more podcasts, videos and blog commentary surrounding the world of Film & Video, Music & Audio, Photography & Design and Web & Interactive, visit us online at
Zoom In Online's Featured Podcasts
Secret History is a secret society composed of two members currently based in Los Angeles, California. The founding fathers of Secret History are Cory Shaw of Buildestroy and Ryan Flanery of Reel Roots. They are bent on a global takeover of historic proportions through their formula of edutainment in visual sciences. They create an alchemic blend of ancient and future hermetic knowledges distilled into both binary and cellulose. Like the wise owl that sees in the dark they illuminate screens in the most mysterious of ways.
As masters of many crafts they are able to maintain a vison and quality for many varying budgets. They literally do everything specializing in storyboards, writing, art direction, shooting, editorial, motion design, visual effects, 3D CG, compositing, coloring, and finishing. A self contained unit they are able to create very unique work. This gives Secret History a lethal advantage over virtually all competition, as this workflow allows them to successfully work with budgets of all size, allowing the focus to remain on the quality of the content. Mr. Flanery’s visionary storytelling and editorial skills perfectly compliment Mr. Shaw’s fine art vision and graphic abilities making their combination in Secret History very potent. Not ones to be limited they are expanding from the music video realm into commercials, webisodes, short films, and features.
So, what is Semi-Permanent? To put it simply Semi-Permanent is a design event. It consists of a conference and side events which include exhibitions, competitions, workshops and parties. It’s a week long celebration of all things design. Graphic Design, Film, Art, Illustration, Web Design, Photography, Visual Effects, Animation, Graffiti, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion; all these things and more. Semi-Permanent explores the diverse and exciting design world bringing together exceptionally talented artists and designers to speak at the event.
Motion Graphics Demo Reel
David Ko Motion Graphic Artist
Atlantide.TV Video Podcast
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Playing on La nostra idea di tv e' molto essenziale e assolutamente democratica: chiunque abbia qualche cosa di interessante da dire e la capacita' tecnica di raccontarlo potra' avere un nostro passaggio televisivo. Atlantide.TV nasce come una televisione: Autorevole e di grande personalita', per la notorieta' e il valore dei promotori e dei partecipanti all'idea. Capace di parlare all'ampia fascia di utenti insoddisfatti della programmazione televisiva attuale, e alla ricerca di stimoli nuovi e intelligenti. Comica, positiva e disposta a dire quello che le tv predigerite non sospettano neppure.Con una garanzia di qualita' (etica, ambientale, culturale) della sua programmazione, dall'intrattenimento all'informazione, fino agli spazi commerciali.
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We The People Radio Network will be another source of Patriot News both audio, video, and streaming internet radio. All broadcasters are welcome to join our network. Our Republic is under attack from many sources, unfortunately the Constitution has been rejected as out of date, the enemies of freedom using our own freedoms are incrementally taking them one by one. Our elected officials have all but surrendered to the Banking interests and are actively transforming our country into a blind of Fascism and Socialism that has no loyalty to the constitution but instead to their cooperate global masters.
We The People Radio Network
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's National Measurement Institute and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology.
NPL podcast
Canyonlands National Park preserves a colorful landscape eroded into countless canyons, mesas and buttes by the Colorado River and its tributaries in southeast Utah. Join park rangers as they explore the many features of Canyonlands in this series of short videos covering a range of topics: all of which you're likely to experience first-hand when you visit the park. Each episode is available in two sizes: one for Apple TV and a smaller one for iPods.
Inside Canyonlands
National Park Service
The ENERGY STAR podcast is a collection of conversations about energy efficiency. EPA staff talk with a variety of business analysts, technology experts, policymakers, and media. These recordings cover market trends, consumer preferences, energy reduction solutions, new products and efficiency standards, and even some retail training information.
ENERGY STAR Products and the Environment
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