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Atlanta Pecha Kucha is an informal forum for creative work encompassing a range of disciplines: advertising, architecture, art, fashion, food, graphics, media (digital, moving, mixed), products... Our Podcast are enhanced with multimedia format that allows images to be displayed in time with audio. Additionally, all supporting images were left in there large format to be best effective as tools for sharing and experiencing the presenters intention.
Atlanta Pecha Kucha Podcast is a website featuring in-depth tutorials and articles dealing with illustration. This podcast features videos that have been posted on the site and shows complete illustrations being painted from start to finish. The artwork and content on is the product of children's illustrator Dani Jones. See more of her work at
Dani Jones Illustration » Videos
The Tech blog of Michael Roy and Associates
Rocket Monkey Rodeo
So, what is Semi-Permanent? To put it simply Semi-Permanent is a design event. It consists of a conference and side events which include exhibitions, competitions, workshops and parties. It’s a week long celebration of all things design. Graphic Design, Film, Art, Illustration, Web Design, Photography, Visual Effects, Animation, Graffiti, Motion Graphics, Stop Motion; all these things and more. Semi-Permanent explores the diverse and exciting design world bringing together exceptionally talented artists and designers to speak at the event.
Annual design conference organized and produced by the AIGA San Diego chapter. For more information visit:
AIGA San Diego: y conference video archives
"The Leonardo da Vinci of data." THE NEW YORK TIMES
"One visionary day....the insights of this class lead to new
levels of understanding both for creators and
viewers of visual displays." WIRED
Edward Tufte has written seven books, including Visual Explanations, Envisioning Information, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, and Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. He writes, designs, and self-publishes his books on analytical design, which have received more than 40 awards for content and design. He is Professor Emeritus at Yale University, where he taught courses in statistical evidence, information design, and interface design. This podcast contains his recent works in analytical design and landscape sculpture.
Edward Tufte: Art and Science
This is the first in our exciting 'Insight Training Series' covering the key skills of Photography from concept to execution. This DVD film addresses the essential elements and asks you to look beyond the lens and pre-visualise images in your mind before pressing the shutter. Lots of expert and common sense hints & tips to help you develop quickly.
Special Offer 50% discount: Composition One – Back to Basics podcast series…
Just £12 to members! To take advantage of this discount package, use Coupon Code “146D2C24B4″ when adding Composition One to your Shopping cart.
* Do you want to improve your understanding of how to achieve great composition?
* Would you like to understand the concept of pre-visualisation?
* Do you sometimes grapple with why a composition isn’t coming together, maybe due to bad geometry or other issues?
We invite you to sit back and relax and, with Martins expert guidance, lead you through a short series of podcasts on composition basics.
Introduction, The Basics, Previsualisation: Imaging by design, Kit, Clothing, props & accessories, Location recce, Test Shots: Angles & distraction, Dissemination: Test Shots, Shoot 1: Props & posing, Dissemination: Colour & reparation, Shoot 2: Ripples & refraction, Dissemination: Positive & negative space, Shoot 3: Letting your shoot evolve, Dissemination: Unifying the elements, Shoot 4: Geometry, tones & texture, Dissemination: Composition in-camera, Shoot 5: Dynamics & shadow play, Dissemination: Isolating your subject, Shoot 6: Improvisation, Dissemination: Illumination, Preview, links & credits
Composition One - Back to Basics
RTL - De Journal
RTL - De Journal
30 Minutten News a Sport
RTL - Rebound Télé
RTL - Rebound Télé
Den Télé Magazin vun der Diekirch League
RTL - Kultur
RTL - Kultur
De Kulturmagazin vun der Télé
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Alles ronderëm den Auto
RTL - Kapital
RTL - Kapital
De Wirtschaftsmagazin op RTL
RTL - Rebound Télé
RTL - Rebound Télé
Den Télé Magazin vun der Diekirch League
RTL - Kultur
RTL - Kultur
De Kulturmagazin vun der Télé
RTL - Automag
RTL - Automag
Alles ronderëm den Auto
RTL - Kapital (Small)
RTL - Kapital (Small)
De Wirtschaftsmagazin op RTL
RTL - Kapital
RTL - Kapital
De Wirtschaftsmagazin op RTL
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RTL - Trendmag
Trends, Design, Architektur, schéin Haiser, Miwwelen an Tipps fir Decoratioun.
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De Magazin vun der Football Federatioun
RTL - FLH Magazin
RTL - FLH Magazin
De Magazin vun der Handball Federatioun
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RTL - Mëttesmagazin
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RTL - Zinemag
De Kinomagazin op RTL
RTL - Zinemag
RTL - Zinemag
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