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On these video pages, the emphasis is on dynamic visual possibilities in active language systems --possibilities that arise from interactions and associations between sights, sounds, and textures, on multiple scales in multiple locations. These visual experiments in poetry are Video POAMS (products of acts of making) that explore what happens when the visual is allowed to extend beyond visible text, and when the page is not required to be paper (though it may still exist that way). The Limited Fork Video Anthology features examples of some of the forms of poetry that Limited Fork Poetics enables and encourages. Look for video poams from student and other practitioners (forkers) of Limited Fork Poetics in this frequently updated podcast. Visit the Limited Fork podcast to learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and to see video poams by the mother of Limited Fork Poetics. And for the the sounds of Limited Fork, visit the Limited Fork Music podcast. Many of the soundtracks from the Video Poams are available at the Limited Fork Music podcast.
Limited Fork Video Anthology
ARTS.21 is a culture magazine from a country that has much more to offer than just classics, Beethoven and Bayreuth. Culture in Germany is 21st century: Young photographers sought the world over. A thriving, cosmopolitan cultural scene in the capital Berlin and many other regions. Major festivals and fairs. German culture featured around the globe.
ARTS.21 covers it all.
Arts.21: The Cultural Magazine
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
Meet the Author (Reading Rockets)
The podcast that accompanies is finally here! Join us as we talk monthly about the Harry Potter news released over the previous month, and provide you with video coverage of the hottest Harry Potter events around the world and share with you our opinions and speculation about the series!
Marauding the Map
The dark and brilliant sketch comedy of San Francisco's Kasper Hauser Comedy Group has dazzled audiences around the world, on stage and on Comedy Central. Hear audio comedy, watch videos, and read pages from the hilarious catalog parody "Skymaul: Happy Crap You Can Buy From A Plane," which has already been acclaimed by Patton Oswalt, George Saunders, Fred Willard and John Hodgman.
The Kasper Hauser Comedy Podcast
A virtual 'reality' show from one avatar's viewpoint from within the metaverse of Second Life.
The Second Life of Spin Martin
Join DEATH, as he tours the countryside interviewing several of Discworlds colourful characters, including its creator Terry Pratchett to uncover some truths about the amazing flat universe. Terry Pratchett's Hogfather: 8pm, Sunday December 17th and 18th on Sky One. For more information go to
12 Days of Hogswatch (Video)
Comedy Club King
Comedy Club King
笑いで世界をみる。笑いで世界の真実を知る。Comedy Club King通称『コメクラキン』による、みたこともきいたこともないコメディの世界。スネ−クマン・チルドレンに捧ぐ「時代の一番ヤバいところへ突っ込んでいくのがコメディ」。
CLUBKING Collection
CLUBKING Collection
20数年前、ロンドンのクラブカルチャーをここ東京から発信させたCLUBKING。『CLUBKING Collection』はそんなインディペンデントな魅力の足跡が残る、時代の“今”を発信してきたクラブキング独自のセンスが光る、選りすぐりのアイテムで、本日もあなたを楽しませます。隣のパーティーとはわけが違います。いや、選ぶあなたが違います!
dictionary deluxe
dictionary deluxe
別冊dictionary。曜日ごとに個性ある特集番組を放送。EDWINプレゼンツ『Any Music, But Good』、KDDIデザイニングスタジオプレゼンツ『表参道物語』などをデラックスに放送中!
freepaper dictionary
freepaper dictionary
freepaper dictionary
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