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FCV048: Parenting Tween Girls — Guest: Debi Smith-Racanelli

The tween years offers girls exciting opportunities for learning and developing good judgment due to having less parental supervision than they received when they were younger. Learning to navigate school and after school schedules as well as peer relationships is part of growing up. As therapist Debi Smith-Racanelli says, "We need to support girls in being able to learn the skills necessary to make good choices independently." But where do they get those needed interpersonal skills? Annie talks to Debi about ways parents can help girls manage the emotional challenges of growing up in the Digital Age, stay grounded, and become the kind of girl they want to be.

About Debi Smith-Racanelli (@DebiJSR)
Debi Smith-Racanelli is a therapist and a parent educator. She is also an avid blogger at where she shares her passion for raising daughters. She's the author of Between Baby Dolls and Boyfriends: How to Successfully Navigate Your Daughter's Tween Years, which she wrote with her very own tween daughter, Kendall, who gives her opinion on the topics in the book in "Kendall's Corner" at the end of each chapter. Learn more at

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