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FCV052: Is Mom a Girl's Best Friend? — Guest: Linda Perlman Gordon

Once, mentioning a typical "mother-daughter relationship" was code for "contentious struggle." Not so today, says Linda Perlman Gordon, c0-author (with Susan Schaffer) of "Too Close for Comfort: Questioning the Intimacy of Today's New Mother-Daughter Relationship", "This is totally new because this is the first generation where mothers are living longer and daughters are marrying later. That gives you all of your twenties experiencing life as a single woman and your mother is often still working." Annie talks with Linda about the effect of these profound social changes on our changing relationships with our daughters.

About Linda Perlman Gordon
Linda Perlman Gordon, LCSW-C, M.Ed., is a clinical social worker with a private psychotherapy practice in the Washington, DC area working with individuals and families with a special expertise in family communication and divorce. She is the co-author of several books including: "Too Close for Comfort: Questioning the New Intimacy of today's New Mother-Daughter Relationship", "Mom, Can I Move Back in with You? A Survival Guide for Parents of Twentysomethings", and "Why Girls Talk and What They Are Really Saying: A Parent's Survival Guide to Connecting with Your Teen". Learn more at

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