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FCV096: Parenting and dating after divorce — Guest: Karen Bonnell

Parenting tweens and teens is challenging. They're testing boundaries, just as they should at this age. And whether we like it or not, they're frequently pushing back and trying to establish their own independent identity (interests/values/opinions) apart from Mom and Dad. That level of conflict is reality in most intact, stable, both-parents-married-to-each-other families. When a separation or divorce occurs and either parent is beginning to date, that's likely to create extra challenges for teens and their parents. "Divorce or separation is a huge change," says Karen Bonnell, family coach and author of "The Co-Parents' Handbook: Raising Well-adjusted, Resilient, and Resourceful Kids in a Two-Home Family from Little Ones to Young Adults"."This is a huge change and there's often grief involved. So kids are recalibrating, trying to make sense out of something their parents have done that they have no control over." Annie talks with Karen about how to parent your teen once you start dating again after divorce.

About Karen Bonnell (@karenbonnellcmc)
Karen Bonnell has over 30 years of experience working with couples and families facing transition, loss, growth, and change. Her work as a Collaborative Divorce Coach spurred her determination to write "The Co-Parents' Handbook". In this straight-forward, practical guide, parents learn the best ways to support their children, strengthen their co-parenting, and discover the necessary tools to skillfully create a two-home family. Karen's other books include "The Parenting Plan Handbook". Learn more at

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