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Matinee Playhouse is for the entire family. Movies that bring back those childhood memories of those double features and the sense of excitement. with wonderful movies from your past.
matineeplayhouse's Podcast
High Definition videos for your computer and HDTV--now including iPod and iPhone versions as well!
Showcasing some of the best high definition underwater short films being produced today from all over the world. Featuring beautiful images of the underwater world, marine life large and small, interviews with interesting people, and updates on underwater imaging. Produced in association with For iPod and iPhone compatible versions of past episodes, please download the HD video and convert the selection in your iTunes.
DiveFilm HD Video (HD)
This is a podcast set up for any teenager who has an interest in reading books, and sharing them with each other! This podcast is designed for teenagers, and is made by teenagers. In our episodes, we recommend some of our favourite books to each other, and hopefully find some new books, that we haven't come across before, which we really enjoy.
The Teenage Book Club Podcast
Brian Drake creates a time lapse movie documenting the painting process of one of his large format works.
Serenity On An Open Plane
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema Defining the Horror genre, exploring typical tropes and motifs, such as the haunted house, monsters, zombies and serial killers. Also looking at the principles and logic behind the horror film – some sort of transgression (knowing something not supposed to know) leading to terrible consequences. Questioning why we watch horror films – cathartic enactment and overcoming of society’s worst nightmares. Thus the sociological interest in horror films – and how they portray society’s fears, varying according to the age.
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema
Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets)
ETHSRC Podcast. Look for podcasts from ETHSRC.
Trench Reynolds' Crime News - MyCrimeSpace - Parenting tips for Facebook
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Trench Reynolds' Crime News - MyCrimeSpace - Parenting tips for Facebook
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Parry Aftab's Blog
What you don’t know can hurt kids - Security-
What you don’t know can hurt kids - Security- 2/11/07 - 2/18/07 2/11/07 - 2/18/07
Teens Help Teens Stay Safe Online | Connect for Kids / Child Advocacy 360 / Youth Policy Action Center
Teens Help Teens Stay Safe Online | Connect for Kids / Child Advocacy 360 / Youth Policy Action Center
Technology News: Tech Buzz: Video Beating Stokes Debate Over Fame, Violence
Technology News: Tech Buzz: Video Beating Stokes Debate Over Fame, Violence
Tina Wells: Sexting? Cyberbullying? MTV Thinks There's A Thin Line
Tina Wells: Sexting? Cyberbullying? MTV Thinks There's A Thin Line
With cyber bullying, girls gone wild gets a horrifying new meaning
With cyber bullying, girls gone wild gets a horrifying new meaning
Parry Aftab's Blog: St. Paul police arrest two in videotaped assaults originally posted on YouTube -
Parry Aftab's Blog: St. Paul police arrest two in videotaped assaults originally posted on YouTube -
Parry Aftab's Blog: Students Arrested for Cyber Bullying - cybstalking law used to arrest cyberbulies.
Parry Aftab's Blog: Students Arrested for Cyber Bullying - cybstalking law used to arrest cyberbulies.
How Can You Avoid Sexting Dangers? | Music | Article
How Can You Avoid Sexting Dangers? | Music | Article
The Expositor - Sparta Tennessee > Archives > Life > Keeping kids safe online
The Expositor - Sparta Tennessee > Archives > Life > Keeping kids safe online
‘Sexting In America: When Privates Go Public’ Tells One Teen’s Horror Story | Music | Article
‘Sexting In America: When Privates Go Public’ Tells One Teen’s Horror Story | Music | Article
Teen sexting: Technological trend can lead to tragic consequences - Daily Tribune: Breaking news coverage for southeastern Oakland County, Michigan
Teen sexting: Technological trend can lead to tragic consequences - Daily Tribune: Breaking news coverage for southeastern Oakland County, Michigan
Cyberbullying: How to Talk to Your Kids - ABC News
Cyberbullying: How to Talk to Your Kids - ABC News
Mean Girls: Teen Suicide Calls Attention to Cyberbullying - ABC News
Mean Girls: Teen Suicide Calls Attention to Cyberbullying - ABC News
'Sexting In America: When Privates Go Public' Tells One Teen's Horror Story - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV NewsMTV special helps teens and parents alike understand this growing problem. visit for online help.
'Sexting In America: When Privates Go Public' Tells One Teen's Horror Story - News Story | Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV News - Transcripts - Transcripts of Parry on data retention law proposal
Rachel Simmons: How to Talk to Your Daughter About Cyberbullying Now
Rachel Simmons: How to Talk to Your Daughter About Cyberbullying Now
Parry's Girl Scouts cybersafety program
Stunned South Hadley students grieve and regret after classmate's apparent suicide | GazetteNET
Stunned South Hadley students grieve and regret after classmate's apparent suicide | GazetteNET
Investigators trying to determine if apparent South Hadley suicide victim Phoebe Prince had been bullied | Breaking News - -Another teen chooses suicide over ongoing cyberbullying at the hands of her classmates. to learn more about cyberbullying prevention, visit
Phoebe PrinceInvestigators trying to determine if apparent South Hadley suicide victim Phoebe Prince had been bullied | Breaking News - - Kids’ multitasking should concern parentsParry appears on the Today Show to discuss the Kaiser report on how often kids are connected to media and the internet. Kids’ multitasking should concern parents
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Parry Aftab's Blog
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