Kenna Klosterman is likely a familiar face to anyone who has taken a course through CreativeLive, one of the best resources for learning about photography. However as well as serving as a senior host and hundreds of courses, Kenna is also a travel photographer, tour guide, international Host, and culture explorer. Her personal vision is to enable change in the world through powerful imagery. Her travels have taken her to over 40 countries - the energy, friendliness and human connectivity of people whom she has met and photographed around the world continue to inspire her. Resources: Download the free Candid Frame app for your favorite smart device. Click here to download for . Click here to download Click here to download for Support the work we do at The Candid Frame with contributing to our Patreon effort. You can do this by visiting or visiting the website and clicking on the Patreon button. You can also provide a one-time donation via . You can follow Ibarionex on and .