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NC #723 MarsEdit on SCO, CSUN, SleepPhones, Retissa Retinal Projection, Proloquo2Go, Ampere Unravel, Ocutech

We hope you'll join us during Apple's March 25th event in our chat room at My latest ScreenCastsOnline tutorial is on the awesome blogging tool MarsEdit. We attended CSUN’s Assistive Technology Conference and I've got an overview of what we learned along with interviews with Assistivewear about Proloquo2Go, their AAC App, and Ocutech low vision aids, and I'll tell you about QD Laser's retinal projection eyewear called Retissa. Mixed in with all the CSUN talk we've got a review by Allister Jenks about SleepPhones (he calls them pajamas for your ears)) and I've got a review of the Ampere Unravel and Qi charing case for AirPods. It's a fun-filled, action packed show!
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