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Just Ask Connie TV
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Just Ask Connie TV

Connie Podesta, an expert in the psychology of human behavior and leadership development, is internationally known for her high-energy, interactive, powerful, entertaining and result oriented sessions.

Having worked with hundreds of corporations nationwide, Connie Podesta has an insider’s knowledge of organizations and uses this unique perspective to create customized presentations on key issues such as personal accountability, communication, life balance, customer service, leadership, sales, team building, change and productivity.

Multi-faceted and uniquely able to involve her audience, Connie Podesta combines her business expertise with her diverse talents as a comedian, author, Licensed Professional Counselor, and radio/TV personality to inspire her audiences to reach new heights in their personal and professional development. Connie Podesta is also a Board Certified Professional Counselor and a member of the American Psychotherapy Association.

With both the experience and personality to captivate an audience, Connie Podesta has encouraged millions of people to achieve the success they desire, the happiness they seek, and the personal and professional life they deserve.
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