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Lilith's Love - A free audiobook by Dan Shaurette
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Lilith's Love - A free audiobook by Dan Shaurette

In this podiobook: Donovan, lonely and getting over the recent death of his parents, asks his long-time friend Christian to move in with him when he relocates back home again to Phoenix from Los Angeles.After the Vampire Hunters find Lilith in New Orleans, she and her Wiccan friend Anna decide to go where they think no one would expect to find vampires - The Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ.Christian, who is also a Wiccan, meets Anna at a Samhain event (Halloween). The chemistry between them is immediate, and when they introduce their roommates to each other, Don realizes Lilith is not only the woman of his dreams - but that she is the woman in his dreams at night.Two romances are sparked, and now that both couples have found each other, they must fight the vengeful plans of Lilith's Master.
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