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Kathryn Alice - Love Will Find You
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Working to fill the vacuum in Bay City, Michigan left by Madonna's departure, the host dishes up a heaping helping of personal stories, politics, spirituality, and fun. All this, and the greatest in podsafe and independent music. That Blue Jeans Guy is a gay man single-handedly bringing sexy back to Bay City!
That Blue Jeans Guy
Кинофильмы, произведенные в России или совместно или на русском языке, готовящиеся для канала RIM (Russian Independent Movie)
Буферная программа канала RIM
Маленького медвежонка, родившегося в сибирской тайге, охотники сдали в питерский зоопарк. Международной цирковой труппе, выступавшей в Санкт-Петербурге, понадобились дикие звери, и воздушная гимнастка Кармен вместе с мужем и дочкой Лолой пришла в зоопарк. Кармен никого там не выбрала, а Лола увидела одинокого медвежонка и влюбилась в него.
Кармен вскоре, устав от тягот кочевой жизни, сбежала из труппы, на прощание рассказав Лоле, что хоть и любит девочку как дочь, но матерью ей не является. Лола осталась с циркачами, а вместе с ней — и медвежонок, получивший русское имя Миша. Он переезжал в цирковом фургоне из страны в страну (Россия, Швеция, Германия, Испания…) и становился все крупнее и крепче. А однажды Лола проснулась и увидела в клетке не медведя, а молодого парня, который признался, что он и есть тот самый Миша…
Режиссер: Сергей Бодров (старший).
В ролях: Ребекка Лильеберг, Сергей Бодров (младший).
Германия, Россия, Швеция, Испания, Франция, Италия. 2002 год.
Медвежий поцелуй
LOVE PRODUCTIONS, INC. | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Любимые герои «Приключений Петрова и Васечкина» возвращаются, чтобы провести вместе с вами долгие летние каникулы! И уж будьте уверены, с ними скучать не придется! Итак, собирайте всех друзей и знакомых, усаживайтесь поудобнее и начинайте смотреть онлайн увлекательнейший фильм «Каникулы Петрова и Васечкина, обыкновенные и невероятные».
Известные на выдумки и проделки Вася Петров и Петя Васечкин этим летом побьют свой собственный рекорд по количеству приключений. Они окажутся в горах Грузии, сменят не один пионерский лагерь, вживутся в роль легендарных Дон Кихота и его верного помощника Санчо Пансы. Кроме того, Васечкину предоставится возможность почувствовать себя почти гоголевским ревизором: в пионерском лагере его примут за известного и совершенно неперевоспитуемого хулигана, о котором начальство лагеря было предупреждено заранее. Что же произойдет, когда в лагерь нагрянет настоящий хулиган, вы даже не представляете!
Каникулы Петрова и Васечкина, обыкновенные и невероятные
Putting a psychedelic spin on the world as we (think we) know it.
Dictionary Psychedelica Podcast
Героя фильма зовут Шнэк, он не совсем обычный парень и от его компании, ведущей тусовочный образ жизни — модные клубы, девочки и сплошные вечеринки, его отличает одно: Шнэк — мечтатель. Он постоянно удивляется и завидует красивым девчонкам: «Как же им легко живется и все удается благодаря обворожительной улыбке и длинным ногам. Вот бы…».
Но так ли просто прикрывать красивые ножки мини-юбкой и не оказаться в постели закадычных друзей. И вообще, безопасно ли мечтать, когда рядом волшебник ищет очередную жертву, чтобы исполнить ее заветное желание…
Мечтать не вредно
Becoming a Soulmate Magnet - part 2
Kathryn Alice - Love Will Find You
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In this podcast, the U.S.'s premier expert on SOULMATES and DATING spiritually, Kathryn Alice, shares her love, dating & breakup recovery wisdom. This work has helped THOUSANDS get beyond a breakup and find love.
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In the second of this 3-part episode, learn of soulmate magnets, levels of attraction, & releasing patterns that no longer serve you. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn and exercises to help you magnetize your One. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate hundreds if not thousands of people find their soulmate!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
Becoming a Soulmate Magnet - part 2
In the first of this 3-part episode, learn of the top 3 soulmate magnets and how to bring love to you. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn and exercises to help you magnetize your One. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate hundreds if not thousands of people find their soulmate!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
Becoming a Soulmate Magnet - part 1
In the second of this this 2-part episode, learn how to break free from your negative beliefs. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn, live Q & A, and exercises to help you clear these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate dozens if not hundreds of people find their One!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
Negative Belief Clearing - part 2
In the first of this this 2-part episode, learn how certain negative beliefs may be keeping you from your soulmate. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn, live Q & A, and exercises to help you clear these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate dozens if not hundreds of people find their One!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
Negative Belief Clearing - part 1
In the second of this this 2-part episode, learn how to zoom through the 4 stages to your soulmate. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn, live Q & A, and a guided meditation to help you find, date, and commit to your soulmate in short order. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate dozens if not hundreds of people find their One!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
The 4 Stages to Your Soulmate - part 2
In the first of this this 2-part episode, learn of the 4 stages to your soulmate and how to zoom through them. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn, live Q & A, and a guided meditation to help you find, date, and commit to your soulmate in short order. Originally aired as a live teleseminar event, Kathryn teaches on love and soulmates worldwide and has helped facilitate dozens if not hundreds of people find their One!
For a more in-depth approach on finding your soulmate, join "The Love Club" from her website.
The 4 Stages to Your Soulmate - part 1
This podcast will help you release ANYTHING that has held you back in your life: a person, limited thoughts or beliefs, a grudge, an old pattern or way of being or old wounds. Originally aired in January 2008, the stories resulting from the LIVE event have been nothing short of miraculous. Kathryn teaches her release process worldwide and with this podcast, you can utilize this technology to LEAP FORWARD in your life!
For a more in-depth process on release, purchase "Releasing a Person" from her website.
The Great Release
This podcast will help you release ANYTHING that has held you back in your life: a person, limited thoughts or beliefs, a grudge, an old pattern or way of being or old wounds. Originally aired in January 2008, the stories resulting from the LIVE event have been nothing short of miraculous. Kathryn teaches her release process worldwide and with this podcast, you can utilize this technology to LEAP FORWARD in your life!
For a more in-depth process on release, purchase "Releasing a Person" from her website.
The Great Release
Don't Miss YOUR CHANCE to Become a 6+ Figure Love Attraction™ Coach this June 14-17th. Kathryn is only accepting a SMALL number of people for this special training, and the gorgeous, oceanside venue is charming and INTIMATE, only holding a small group. After the previous year's successes, the course is filling up quickly! Sign-up NOW because registration closes at the end of May!
* Give you all the information you need to flourish as a Certified Love Attraction™ Coach (CLAC)
* Provide the support you need to step into full-on practitioner abundance, a 6+ figure income from this business
* Train you in at least 6 to 10 separate income streams & how to EASILY set them up
* Enlighten you on how to systemize your business so that it has predictable results that you can count on
* To show you how to cut through extraneous activities in your business so that you are successful both monetarily and in the results you product for your clients & followers
* School you extensively in the 10 basic principles of Love Attraction so that you will be successful in working with others and have them coming back for more & more of your support
* This training course qualifies as continuing education hours for select practitioners and licensing programs
Sign-up NOW:
Certified Love Attraction™ Coach - Teacher Training 2012 June
In this part 3 of a 3-part episode, Kathryn shares tools you can use to better align yourself with dating for your soulmate. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn and answers to questions posed by her Love Club members. This podcast will make dating easier & more fun!
For more information on Kathryn's products and events, visit her website: or
Dating Basics - part 3 of 3
In this part 2 of a 3-part episode, Kathryn expounds upon the concept of dating for your soulmate. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn and answers to questions posed by her Love Club members. This podcast will make dating easier & more fun!
For more information on Kathryn's products and events, visit her website: For insight on dating for your soulmate, sign-up for the "Date for Your Soulmate" telecourse via Kathryn's website.
Dating Basics - part 2 of 3
In the first of a 3-part episode, Kathryn introduces the concept of dating for your soulmate. Included in this podcast is teaching by Kathryn to help make dating both easier & more effective.
For more information on Kathryn's products and events, visit her website: For insight on dating for your soulmate, register for the "Date for Your Soulmate" telecourse from Kathryn's website.
Dating Basics - part 1 of 3
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