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Introspective dream-style participations from the fogbound clutter of the Landscape Manor. The Baron, host-manque of ammonia, the princely wit Thursday, tearing the tatters off the edges and forced to look clueless and un-helpful. In his tired voice, a debt to Steve Abrams, a nod of gratitude to Ken Westerlund, one discovers the offspring of a monopod and a tripod, peculiar yet siimilar.
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Each of these transmissions are a separate, special ride through the multi-colored corridors of Bassnectar mixes and sets; an outlet for the highlights and the bangers, as well as a testing lab for unreleased projects, sideshow experiments, and the vast music collection of our record crates and hardrives. We call the Bassnectar style "omnitempo maximalism" ...a shorthand expression for our musical attitude and philosophy: No Limits, No Rules, No Stopping the all-out Freakshow. At times mellow or melodic, and at times surging or perverse, we explore all sounds and genres with open arms.
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Limited Fork Music offers electronic and jazz-based experiments in sound as well as spoken experiments. Limited Fork Music is on the soothing side of the avant-garde. Limited Fork Music seeks and makes audible pulses. Limited Fork Music is also a literary poetry jukebox where the ego associated with high art has been overcome. Come here each week for the latest Limited Fork tune(s). Learn more about Limited Fork Poetics and see related video poams in the Limited Fork and Limited Fork Video Anthology podcasts.
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une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
the ramshackle, bush league, haywire, wackadoo blatherings of two Pittsburgh residents who have a couple of cheap microphones, some toy keyboards, and lots of time to kill. Send your weird homemade audio to mauizar@gmail and perhaps you can be a part of this nonsense.
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Andrew Culver and Josh Charney have combined their talents to bring you a listening experience like no other - music and narration perfectly combined to create a complete immersion in a fictional world. In these dark tales, a young girl realizes her mother has changed into something terrible; a man arrives in an ominous town and receives an offer too good to turn down; another man on a space station accepts a nasty job because the money is too good to resist; and a third man seeks revenge - or does revenge seek him? Get ready to enter a world in which man is inches away from his own downfall. Get ready for Existent Domain.
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