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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
ESPN is an American cable television network focusing on sports-related programming—including live and pre-taped event telecasts, sports talk shows, and other original programming.
Founded by Bill Rasmussen,[1] his son Scott Rasmussen and Aetna insurance agent Ed Eagan, it launched on September 7, 1979, under the direction of Chet Simmons, the network's President and CEO (and later the United States Football League's first commissioner). The Getty Oil Company provided funding to begin the new venture via executive Stuart Evey.
Loads of rap and hip-hop music to your choice and for FREE!
Fuel TV is a U.S. cable and satellite specialty channel that launched on July 1, 2003.[1] It focuses on the cultures of such extreme sports as skateboarding, snowboarding, motocross, surfing, BMX and FMX. It is a unit of Fox Cable Networks and is currently available to 26-million American households. Additionally, Fox Sports Australia operates Fuel TV in Australia and a Portuguese speaking channel also operates in Portugal and some Fuel TV content previously aired on FX channels in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Fuel TV content available to another 100+ countries around the world.[1]
ESPN provides the most comprehensive live cricket available as well as unparalleled statistics, quality editorial comment and analysis
Live Cricket Scores | Cricket news, statistics | ESPN Cricinfo
Modern Self Protection Podcast
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This podcast is about keeping you safe in today's modern world. This podcast will put knowledge in your life that you can use immediately to help defend yourself and your family.
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How can an attorney use a blog and social media for personal branding?
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"Das Abenteuer Zukunft" von und mit Stephan Magnus ist der 7. Podcast-Kanal auf unserem Edutainment-Portal
Abenteuer Zukunft ist der Ort, an dem die Möglichkeiten der Zukunft so vorgestellt werden, dass sie für Sie in Ihrem Lebensentwurf anwendbar werden. Hier gibt es die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Zukunftsthemen wie etwa der Nanotechnologie, Braindrugs, simulierten Gesellschaften oder der Molekular- gastronomie, provozierende Ideen, um die eigenen Einstellungen neu zu betrachten, Interviews mit Leuten, die es wissen müssen und Anregungen, wie Sie das Abenteuer Ihres eigenen Lebens auf eine offene und spannende Zukunft hin orientieren können.
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Be a Better Leader is a podcast dedicated to business owners, managers, supervisors, team leaders and career minded individuals who are committed to having a positive impact on the people around them. Presented by best-selling author and top-rated speaker Greg Schinkel, President of Unique Training & Development Inc.
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This podcast was developed as part of an elementary-level Clark County School District Teaching American History Grant. The three-year grant will fund six modules per year with each module focusing on a different era of American history and a different pedagogical theme. This podcast focuses on Native Americans of the Colonial Era and Technology Integration in Elementary Schools. Participants in the grant are third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers in Clark County (the greater Las Vegas area), Nevada. Teaching scholars include Drs. Michael Green and Deanna Beachley of the College of Southern Nevada and Dr. Christy Keeler of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As part of this five week module, teachers meet on campus on two occasions and the remainder of their work is completed online. The culminating experience for the module is participant development of virtual museums. These are asynchronous PowerPoint slideshows that have the appearance of a virtual museum. Users can move throughout the "museum" learning about different aspects of Native Americans in each "room." Grant participants will base their virtual museums on one of ten assigned themes including Native American women, economics, housing, European encounters, impact of western religions, relations between African Americans and Native Americans, slavery, food, cultural exchange, and religions. The video feeds that accompany this podcast are available on iTunes.
Native Americans and Technology Integration: TAH
ESL Teacher Talk provides free broadcasts for ESL teachers on topics such as classroom management, lesson planning advice, job search tips and more. Listen on-line or download to your iPod or mp3 player and go! You will also find interviews with the top names in ESL. Each broadcast contains a feature game or activity that you can use in your lessons with supporting downloads, materials and videos. ESL Teacher Talk is hosted by 2 veteran ESL teachers that run a combined 4 ESL teaching sites. With almost 15 years of ESL teaching experience, your hosts look at teaching English from the trenches and provide insight and fresh ideas for the beginner teacher to the ESL pro.
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Today, more than 1,000 CASA program offices operate in 49 states. Nearly 70,000 highly trained CASA volunteers (sometimes called guardians ad litem, or GAL volunteers) speak out for 240,000 abused and neglected children in court each year.
In this series of interviews we provide updates from National CASA, alert you to legislative action, share experiences from program staff and volunteers in the network, and direct first-person accounts from the youth we serve. In addition, you will learn important staff and volunteer skills to help you advocate for abused and neglected kids.
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