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PBS and our member stations are America’s largest classroom, the nation’s largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. In addition, PBS's educational media helps prepare children for success in school and opens up the world to them in an age-appropriate way.
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CNET is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, price comparisons, free software downloads, daily videos, and podcasts.
Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
This is the United Nations homepage. Here you will find related information and links.
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PennFuture works to create a just future where nature, communities and the economy thrive. We enforce environmental laws and advocate for the transformation of public policy, public opinion and the marketplace to restore and protect the environment and safeguard public health. PennFuture advances effective solutions for the problems of pollution, sprawl and global warming; mobilizes citizens; crafts compelling communications; and provides excellent legal services and
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policy analysis. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, PennFuture is Pennsylvania's leading environmental organization.
What is PennFuture doing?
Working to increase clean renewable electricity to 10% of all supply;
Fighting factory farm pollution;
Helping to stop damage from mining;
Protecting watersheds from sprawl and pollution;
Reducing global warming pollution;
Watchdogging state government; and
Providing $2 million per year of free legal services to protect the environment.
PennFuture is already winning victories, and standing toe-to-toe with some mighty opponents.
Winning $32 million to support clean, renewable electricity in utility cases;
Building enough new windpower for 70,000 households and writing proposed legislation to require 10% of all electricity to be clean;
Convincing Governor Rendell to support a $1.4 billion environmental funding program;
Getting Governor Rendell to veto a bill to weaken regulation of factory farms.
Please browse our site for more information on this and all the other work that PennFuture is doing on behalf of Pennsylvania, its environment and its citizens.
JOIN PennFuture - Pennsylvania's leading and most effective environmental organization. By doing so, you will help enforce our laws and watchdog state government.
You WILL make a difference!
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Never the same river twice looks at the flow of time and circumstance as the architect of change in Northeast Minneapolis. Starting at the banks of the Mississippi River we follow the river and the development of the Bottineau area since Pierre Bottineau himself first purchased this land. We will see the influences of the arrival of European immigrants, the migration of artists from the Warehouse district and the newest immigrant communities as they all resolve to make Northeast not only their home, but their neighborhood. Celebrate the hard work and innovation of neighbors past and present by walking in their footsteps and hearing their stories.
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Miha Štrukelj
x=0 / y=0
Interference in Process
At the Venice Biennale Slovenia will be represented by a project from Miha Štrukelj, conceived as
a total artwork and based on four thematic levels and media: painting, wall drawing, drawing
and Lego picture. The exhibition deconstructs the picture plane with the aid of the grid as a
structural and conceptual basis, where the painting is deconstructed and reconstituted through
the disillusioned gaze of the subject. The themes of Štrukelj's artistic practice arise from a
fascination with media-manipulated images and expand into the iconography of anonymous
urban topography, and the isolated, quiet presence of the human figure. This approach is
reflected in all the work, with the exception of the Lego-picture which portrays natural
landscapes, a rare motif in Štrukelj's work.
This podcast is created in collaboration and co-production with RAM:
in the frame of radio broadcastin and programme Sounds like Venice:
Slovenian Pavilion at the 53 International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
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NOW IS THEN: Snapshots from the Maresca Collection
February 12 - May 11, 2008
Curator: Marvin Heiferman
Now is Then: Snapshots from the Maresca Collection features nearly 200 images from the golden age of snapshot photography, the 1920s through the 1960s, selected from a collection of nearly 600 snapshots assembled by Frank Maresca, a leading expert on folk and outsider art that he donated to the Museum over the past six years. In addition to these vintage photographs, Now is Then also includes a continually changing presentation of contemporary digital snapshots, collected from the public for this exhibition, and displayed on a dynamic installation of small flat-screen monitors. These snapshots, old and new, raise interesting questions about the role photographic images play in our everyday lives: Why do we need and continue to make snapshots? How do we use them? Why do we value them? And ultimately, what happens to them?
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Welcome to the AIAS Podcasts--your free downloadable broadcast of opinions, news and ideas from the American Institute of Architecture Students. This podcast series is geared for design students, professionals and those interested in discussions, opinions and ideas of architects and other design professionals who are at the vanguard of the profession. Since 1956, the American Institute of Architecture Students has been the official voice of students tin architecture. The association helps to enrich the educational experience of students (of all ages) in (or interested in) architecture and design. These podcasts aim to connect our organization in conversation, and to outreach to the public, with the major discussions and news in architecture. Please see our podcast website ( for more content information and the fine print.
AIAS Podcasts
Un podcast en castellano sobre tejer, conversaciones, reseñas de libros y materiales y asuntos relativos a los blogs y a la comunidad de tejedor@s.
En punto
the round. "a collaborative arts event held monthly since 2005" || "an intimate evening of collaborative music, slam poetry, & live painting" /////// + \\\\\\\\\ BEHIND IT: Founded by Arts Curator Nathan Marion in 2005, The Round has been a volunteer powered "arts experience" happening every month on a Monday night in Seattle. It's definitely not your normal concert. WHO: The ROund has included touring artists (Nashville, Philly, LA, NYC, etc.) & folks from the Northwest. Dave Bazan (Pedro the Lion, Headphones), Jon Auer (The Posies, Big Star), Damien Jurado, Mark Pickerel (Screaming Trees, Nirvana), Denison Witmer, Paul Hiraga (Downpilot), Jen Wood, Kenny Hutson, Jake Bradley, Johanna Kunin, Laura Gibson, Justin Ringle (Horse Feathers), Gabe Archer (The Pale Pacific), Transmissionary Six, Andy Fitts, David Broecker (Vanderslice), Josh Ottum, Annalynne Kilstein, Danny Sherrard, Katy Bowser, Nathan McEuen, Denise Jolly, Ryler Dustin, Robert Deeble, Scott Erickson, Emily Leonard, Kate Protage, Victor Ramirez, Canary Sing, and many more. ///////// + \\\\\\\\\\ ABOUT: Now held at the Fremont Abbey Arts Center, a non-religious arts non-profit in a rustic 1914 church building in uppper Fremont, The Round began in June 2005 at various venues around Seattle including the bathhouse at Golden Gardens and a beautiful private yard with a grapevine in Greenlake. Each month, Nathan puts together a unique collection of artists to participate in an event whose purpose is not money, but inspiration and change for the artist & the audience. ///////// + \\\\\\\\\\ Through a 2 hour event, young developing artists play/paint/spit together with experienced artists while an attentive audience of approx 100-125 sit and watch in rapt silence. They better watch closely too, because there are 2 or 3 live painters on the side creating pieces that may change or be covered up by the end of the event. ///////// + \\\\\\\\\\ Different humanitarian non-profits are also featured throughout the year to raise volunteers & awareness. Groups like Water 1st, New Beginnings women & children shelter, and Boys & Girls Club have been supported. ////////// + \\\\\\\\\\\ Featuring 3 to 7 musicians on stage sharing songs & backing each other, The Round also has live painters on the side creating whatever comes to their minds. Sometimes these painters are experienced with live performance, some have never painted in front of an audience before. /////////// + \\\\\\\\\\ In between a round of music, highly talented poets from Seattle Poetry Slam and Youth Speaks jump up to perform... often times bringing in some of the musicians to back them. Most of these poets have performed in national competitions and sometimes a touring poet will join in as well. ///////// + \\\\\\\\\ This event has become trusted for high quality and even higher variety, so crowds come back each month regardless of whether the artists are well known or developing. Since the musicians & poets are only allowed to play once a year, they often invite their friends to play in future months and sometimes alumni return a year later with a new set of musicians to join them //// | | | |
The Round, Live from Fremont Abbey Arts Center
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