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Interview with Nick Wates, author of "The Community Planing Event Manual: How to Use Collaborative Planning and Urban Design Events to Improve Your Environment (Tools for Community Planning)" and site editor of
PublicForum Interview with Nick Wates
Tank Riot is a never dull audio podcast that digs deep into the minds of Viktor, Sputnik, and Tor. Each podcast starts you on a winding audio journey with destinations such as Post-Apocalypse Cinema, Walt Disney, Charles Fort, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, beer, Holocaust denial, Time Travel, Emma Goldman, Pirates, Zombies, Jim Henson, Urban Legends, Friedrich Nietzsche, Watchmen, Richard Feynman, Mister Rogers, the presidents, James Bond, Henry Kissinger, The Business Plot, Tron, Fighting Bob Fest, Errol Morris, Tropic Thunder, the Olympics, Devo, Akira Kurosawa, Henry Ford, Iron Man vs. Zombie Strippers, Rod Serling, Cryptozoology, Leon Theremin, Stanley Kubrick, Nikola Tesla, Roger Corman, Douglas Adams, Iran, Godzilla, The Simpsons Movie, Sicko, Hunter S. Thompson, Mike Judge, Kurt Vonnegut, Grindhouse, 300, Conspiracies, Religion, Scientology, Tom Waits, Christmas, Sid and Marty Krofft, Elections, The Departed vs. Infernal Affairs, 40 Years of Star Trek, Philip K. Dick, Recumbent Bicycles, Roky Erickson, Jerry Lewis, Hugo Chavez, X-Men, Energy, The Neocons, The World's Fastest Indian, V for Vendetta, Studio Ghibli, and Star Trek Fan Films; or the occasional quagmire. So secure your helmet, close the hatch, and by all means turn up the volume!
Tank Riot presents the U.S. Presidents Podcast. Each episode will provide a brief biographical portrait of each president, explore the eras in which they led the country, and access the historical significance they hold for us today. This is a podcast for those that wish to gain a complete knowledge of the commander in chief.
U.S. Presidents Podcast
Believe it or not, an AM radio station in Northfield was foolish enough to give members of the Northfield Union of Youth (also known as The Key) a radio show every Saturday. Originally broadcasting at the god-awful time of 9:00 a.m, they have since been on at the slightly more manageable time of 11:00 a.m.
The show, broadcasting live every Saturday on 1080 AM KYMN Radio in Northfield, is NOW MOVING to the station's very own podcasting site. So please make sure you look for the most recent shows here:
Keymn's Podcast
Orion Samuelson and Max Armstrong bring WGN Radio 720 listeners comprehensive news on current financial and agricultural trends. Orion and Max deliver the information Chicagoland and the Heartland want and need.
WGN - AgriCast with Orion & Max
The Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO) is seeking to get the message out that microfinance and microenterprise not only work internationally, but also domestically, right here in the U.S.--a point you can hear more about in the podcast of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, speaking at AEO's 2007 Annual Conference. We hope our podcast will help to educate and inform the broader public about how this movement in the U.S. has grown over the last 20 years into a crucial tool for poverty alleviation AND economic development in America. The United States has deep entrepreneurial roots, and the movement is of the opinion that this proven strategy for dignity and economic security should be made available to all. AEO has over 450 nonprofit members who daily work with underserved, low and moderate-income individuals to start or build their businesses; this involves offering microloans and business training, as well as other forms of assistance. More on the various components of microenterprise in the U.S. can be found on our website,, and on that of FIELD, a program of the Aspen Institute that has done wonderful work over the years in the area of microenterprise in the U.S. ( The podcast will also serve to distribute relevant audio messages to the AEO membership.
AEO Exchange
Peek inside the Berkman Center's Video Fishbowl: Conversations with leading cyber-scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, and policymakers as they explore the bleeding edge of the internet and technology, democracy, law, and society. (Also available as audio) From the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University
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Die Bad Homburger Infoshow stellt alle aktuellen Events, Kongresse und ungewöhnlichen Begebenheiten in und um die moderne Stadt Bad Homburg vor - werden Sie Teil davon und genießen Sie die neue lokale Städte-Show in Hessen!
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Each episode explores a specific way in which the work of Congress has made a difference in people's lives - from food safety and health research to the interstate highway system.
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Making Waves is a weekly audio program bringing you the latest National Ocean Service news and information.
NOAA's National Ocean Service: Making Waves
Annual giving is the "front door of philanthropy" for many institutions. It's the initial annual giving donor who often becomes a major donor later. CASE Innovations in Annual Giving author Bob Burdenski conducts a monthly online Annual Giving Roundtable program with ideas and insights for improving fundraising performance. In this podcast series you can listen free to interviews with today's leading annual giving fundraising practitioners, taken from Bob's Annual Giving Roundtable Series.
Annual Giving Interviews With Bob Burdenski
“Bipolar Nation with Susan & Bert” talks back to the voices in your head. A general issues talk show that covers today’s headlines, whether they're political, social or pure entertainment. Susan offers up her witty brand of liberalism on most issues, while Bert expresses his conservative, more cynical common sense approach to the discussion. Together, they offer thought-provoking commentary where you'll regularly question... "Is it our country going crazy, or are we just all becoming a little bipolar?!”
Once a month, usually the last Sunday of the month, Bipolar Nation Radio hosts "Children with Mental Illness Defined," an issue that is very near to Susan's heart as her own six year old daughter January suffers from severe early onset schizophrenia. Past shows in this series (1-18-09, 2-22-09, 3-29-09, 4-26-09, 5-24-09, & 6-21-09) have dealt with the agony of having a mentally ill child, including the struggles against the both illness as well as an often unfeeling and inadequate system. If you have a story of childhood mental illness and would like to share it, please email Susan at
Armed American Radio (AAR) is the official radio program of The United States Concealed Carry Association.
Armed American Radio
Richmond Fed President's, Jeffrey M. Lacker's, prepared remarks. The views expressed in these speeches are those of President Lacker and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
President Jeff Lacker - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Politics, bare-knuckles style. I use facts and logic to kick right wing butt! Subjects include: U.S. opposition to democracy around the world, GOP voter fraud, right-wing racism, phony right wing Christians doing the opposite of what Jesus said in Matthew 25, the Iraq war, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Bush, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, unequal income and wealth distribution. I start where Al Franken and Bill Maher leave off. Plenty of audio clips of all your favorite conservative devils. Wimpy liberals and Democrats who act like Republicans are not spared either. Upcoming will be interviews and listener phone calls. Check it out!
The Limelight Podcast is a brief look at current arts and cultural events in Southern and Central Indiana.
WFIU Arts: Limelight Podcast
Today, more than 1,000 CASA program offices operate in 49 states. Nearly 70,000 highly trained CASA volunteers (sometimes called guardians ad litem, or GAL volunteers) speak out for 240,000 abused and neglected children in court each year.
In this series of interviews we provide updates from National CASA, alert you to legislative action, share experiences from program staff and volunteers in the network, and direct first-person accounts from the youth we serve. In addition, you will learn important staff and volunteer skills to help you advocate for abused and neglected kids.
National CASA Podcast
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