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Help - Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs on Pet Life Radio
Most Popular - Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs on Pet Life Radio

Welcome to "Wynn with Dogs", your weekly podcast source for all the latest in longevity issues for your pup. Join host, Raquel Wynn, as she focuses on the ins and outs of exercise, stretching, nutrition, and alternative modalities of health for our canine companions. Learn the proper exercise protocols for every pup, from the couch canine to the canine athlete. Discover the importance of supplementation and appropriate nutrition for optimal longevity. Find out ways to prevent injuries and illness in your pooch. Ascertain methods of rehabilitation that are safe and side effect free.
Listen in as Raquel talks with various experts in the field of health, from vets to massage therapists, from trainers to members of canine athletic teams, all with the common goal of creating a healthy, happy environment for your hounds. Take charge of your dog’s health and ensure a long, rewarding life for Fido. Raquel offers a refreshing perspective that will surely be eye opening. Tune in and you too can win with dogs!
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