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CNET is the premier destination for tech product reviews, news, price comparisons, free software downloads, daily videos, and podcasts.
Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC
Revision3 is the leading television network for the internet generation. We create and produce all-original episodic community driven programs watched by a super-committed and passionate fan base
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
ESPN is an American cable television network focusing on sports-related programming—including live and pre-taped event telecasts, sports talk shows, and other original programming.
Founded by Bill Rasmussen,[1] his son Scott Rasmussen and Aetna insurance agent Ed Eagan, it launched on September 7, 1979, under the direction of Chet Simmons, the network's President and CEO (and later the United States Football League's first commissioner). The Getty Oil Company provided funding to begin the new venture via executive Stuart Evey.
IGN is your site for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, 3DS, PSP & iPhone games with expert reviews, news, previews, trailers, cheat codes, strategy guides & walkthroughs
Video Games, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Game Trailers, Reviews, News, Previews & Videos at IGN
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
Whether on-air or online, the GameTrailers brand has become synonymous with world-exclusive media and award-winning coverage of the billion-dollar interactive entertainment industry that takes viewers inside events and individual games like no other media outlet in the world. From frequent reviews, previews, and world-premier trailers to daily gameplay clips, breaking news, and complete industry coverage, helps our audience keep its finger on the pulse of the gaming world. Plus, a growing library of unique original content and a robust roster of editorial coverage keeps the audience informed and entertained while a unique social presences and community-driven features ensure our viewers’ voice is always heard.
Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice
Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian |
Loads of rap and hip-hop music to your choice and for FREE!
G4 is the one destination on television that feeds your addiction for the latest must-have tech gadgets, web culture and video games.
Current Media, the Peabody-and Emmy Award-winning television and online network founded in 2005 by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, features the very best in political and news commentary and information programming. Home to the newly launched “Countdown with Keith Olbermann,” as well as a number of celebrated programs including “Vanguard,”
Current TV Staff
Wiggly, Joe, TDC, Stan has been an online technology resource and community for technology enthusiasts and professionals since 1996. We feature the latest news and reviews of the hottest hardware and software, along with Computer Buying Guides, Features, and more. Geeks can feel at home in any of our topic areas including Apple, Gadgets, Games, Mobile, and Chips.
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Pencilheads gives you the (semi) weekly entertainment and pop-culture fix you crave!
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The show that explores timeless design principles and explains them simply. We discuss graphic design in particular, and design in general, to equip you with lessons in process, inspiration, and practice. Get a new concept under your belt in mere minutes and unleash your creativity.
Design Guy
Design Critique encourages usable product designs for a better customer experience.
Using principles and experience from our careers helping clients and employers create usable products, we critique software and hardware based on long-term experience with them in our own lives.
We also interview our peers in the user experience-related fields of User-Centered Design (UCD), human-computer interaction (HCI), usability engineering, information architecture, technical communication, interaction design, customer research, and more! All while maintaining a light-hearted spirit of inquiry about how we can improve the world by designing products that serve people better.
Design Critique: Products for People
On, host Alison Lee takes you through the world of Crafting, from interviews, product reviews, and do it yourself tutorials. is the only podcast where you can listen, learn, and create!
A crochet (and a little knitting) podcast
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (audio)
An examination of the world of Disney design, music, commentary, park audio, and more. Join Greg a former Disneyland Castmember for a podcast full of opinions and fun.
Imagineering My Way Podcast
The Monocle Weekly signs on with a mix of smart discussion, previews, field reports and feature interviews. From our studio in London and our bureaux in Tokyo and New York, Monocle's editors focus on the horizon and explore the looming stories within the five areas that define our editorial agenda: global affairs, business, culture, design and consumer culture. Sponsored by TOTO. For more information about Monocle’s print and online offerings please visit
The Monocle Weekly
Bad Weeds San Francisco. It brings queer San Francisco-- and the world -- to your gay iPod!
- Bad Weeds San Francisco *Queer!*
Core77 Podcasts - Design Talk from the Streets
Core77 Podcasts
Ideas and voices from across New York City, brought to you by
WNYC Culture » Lecture Podcast
Sound Opinions, the World's only rock and roll talkshow; now to go. Hosted by Jim DeRogatis of the Chicago Sun-Times and Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune. Each week Jim and Greg bring you the latest music news and reviews. Plus tune in to hear exclusive interviews and performances. Sound Opinions is a co-production of Chicago Public Radio and American Public Media. Updated weekly.
APM: Sound Opinions on Demand
American Public Media
InDesign Secrets, hosted by David Blatner and Anne-Marie Concepcion, provides Adobe InDesign tips, techniques, answers, and of course ... secrets ... about the design professional's page-layout program of choice. Visit us at or contact us at We want to hear from you!
InDesign Secrets
This is an audio podcast for woodworkers, by woodworkers. Marc is the host of The Wood Whisperer Video Podcast and brings the professional point of view. Matt is the host of Matt's Basement Workshop Podcast and brings the basement hobbiest point of view. Sit back, relax, and grab your favorite beverage because its time to talk woodworking.
Wood Talk Online
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
Ready Set Knit! A podcast of the radio knitting show from Webs about all things knitting, and yarn. Ready, Set, Knit! features interviews, knit-a-longs, industry information and news about Webs events.
Ready Set Knit
Show to jumpstart creativity and sketchbooking for illustrators, designers, hobbyists and other artists. Getting you to enforce the good habits, nix the bad ones and motivate yourself as a more productive and successful creative. Hosted by Brian E. Young
SketcheeBook: The Creativity Productivity Podcast
CraftSanity is a place to escape the daily grind and renew your creative spirit through interviews with creative people.
The latest insights from User Interface Engineering on the world of design. Shows include the SpoolCast, Userability and Usability Tools Podcast.
UIE Brain Sparks
Knitt according to these audio instructions. Enjoy the fun of being nicely surprised once your work is done:-) Share the pictures of your finished pattern by sending it to
Secret Knitting
Scott Johnson talks about the comic he creates through the week.
Diary of a Cartoonist
A knitting podcast with funny stories, product reviews, project information, knitting help and much more!
Never Not Knitting
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