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Revision3 is the leading television network for the internet generation. We create and produce all-original episodic community driven programs watched by a super-committed and passionate fan base
Voice of America (VOA) is the official external broadcast institution of the United States federal government. It is one of five civilian U.S. international broadcasters working under the umbrella of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA provides a wide range of programming for broadcast on radio and TV and the Internet outside of the U.S. in 44 languages. VOA produces about 1,500 hours of news and feature programming each week for an estimated global audience of 123 million people, "to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas.
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
CBS News brings you the latest breaking world news, national news, political, business and entertainment news, as well as stories from 60 Minutes and the Early Show.
CBS Radio News
Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News
I’ve been a pilot for a major U.S. Carrier since 1989. Before that I flew A-10s for the Air Force. I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the UK, and then at McClellan AFB in California. I left the Air Force and then we won the cold war. I think it was just a coincidence
Joe d'Eon
Whether on-air or online, the GameTrailers brand has become synonymous with world-exclusive media and award-winning coverage of the billion-dollar interactive entertainment industry that takes viewers inside events and individual games like no other media outlet in the world. From frequent reviews, previews, and world-premier trailers to daily gameplay clips, breaking news, and complete industry coverage, helps our audience keep its finger on the pulse of the gaming world. Plus, a growing library of unique original content and a robust roster of editorial coverage keeps the audience informed and entertained while a unique social presences and community-driven features ensure our viewers’ voice is always heard.
The Pentagon Channel broadcasts military news and information for the 2.6 million members of the U.S. Armed Forces through programming including:
• Department of Defense news briefings
• Military news
• Interviews with top Defense officials
• Short stories about the work of our military
In addition to enhancing Department of Defense communications with the 1.4 million active duty service members, the Pentagon Channel will provide the 1.2 million members of the National Guard and Reserve and the 650,000 civilian employees of the Department of Defense more timely access to military information and news.
The Pentagon Channel television service is distributed 24/7 and is available to all stateside cable and satellite providers, via American Forces Radio and Television Services, overseas and via the worldwide web right here at
The Pentagon Channel Staff
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The podcast for pop culture and comic book fans. Each week the panel of comic book enthusiats take a look at current titles, collected trades, and give their take on current pop culture news.
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Photography tutorials and videos posted every Wednesday. Hosted by Ted Forbes. For previous shows and additional content, visit our website - Get beyond camera reviews and tech talk. Lets dig deeper into the art of making photographs!
The Art of Photography
Audio and video content from the staff and artists of MAD. Photo detail courtesy of Mark Watanabe, Allied Works Architecture
Museum of Arts and Design, New York
Prae's Random Podcast:
Talks with various guests on design, movies, politics, culture and society. Created in Bangkok, Thailand.
Praeness Random Podcasts plate-forme sonore des arts visuels et sonores / The visual arts noise platform
Podcasts from the Museum of Contemporary Craft provide additional information about exhibitions and public programs at the museum. Audio and video content includes archival footage, interviews with artists and curators, lectures, panel discussions, original video features and more. Located in Portland, Oregon, the Museum of Contemporary Craft is a 70-year old organization that enlivens and expands the understanding of craft and the museum experience, allowing people to connect through art and dialogue.
Museum of Contemporary Craft
The Monocle Weekly signs on with a mix of smart discussion, previews, field reports and feature interviews. From our studio in London and our bureaux in Tokyo and New York, Monocle's editors focus on the horizon and explore the looming stories within the five areas that define our editorial agenda: global affairs, business, culture, design and consumer culture. Sponsored by TOTO. For more information about Monocle’s print and online offerings please visit
The Monocle Weekly
Pencilheads gives you the (semi) weekly entertainment and pop-culture fix you crave!
Artists from '716: Fine Art' talk about their work one day at a time.
716: Artist Commentary
Definitely a different take on digital photographic imaging! Professional photographer Dominique James talks to the celebrities he photographs, the industry insiders he works with, and, some the most important people in the realm of professional digital imaging industry. In this exclusive series, Dominique James goes beyond the how-tos, the usual instructional guides, and, the typical tips on photography and digital imaging. He delves deeper and go right into what makes today's photography really interesting and truly exciting--it is about the people, usually behind the camera, who "makes" the subjects of the photographs by working together to create the images we see in pictures. Listen to the interesting conversations between Dominique James and the many people he works with--from celebrities and models to fashion stylists, hair-and-makeup artists, as well as RTW and couture designers. Dominique James will also talk to real Photoshop certified experts, creative imaging artists, post-production digital geniuses, and, some of the world's acknowledged masters of the digital domain. So, if you are looking for something that will give you real insights into what actually goes on before, during and after all sorts of professional photo shoots for editorial, commercial and advertising use, this is the series you should subscribe and listen to. Professional photographer Dominique James will open up the minds of those whom he will talk to, examine the way they think and how they feel, and feed these straight to you.
Bonnie Lyn McCaffery, author of Portrait Quilts Painted Faces You Can Do, tells short philosophical stories about her travel adventures. Find out whats new at
001Life Lessons of a Traveling Quilt Artist
The show that explores timeless design principles and explains them simply. We discuss graphic design in particular, and design in general, to equip you with lessons in process, inspiration, and practice. Get a new concept under your belt in mere minutes and unleash your creativity.
Design Guy
39 weekly audio podcasts, each a chapter of a novel, preceded by a videoblog episode from Alice in Paris.
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Show to jumpstart creativity and sketchbooking for illustrators, designers, hobbyists and other artists. Getting you to enforce the good habits, nix the bad ones and motivate yourself as a more productive and successful creative. Hosted by Brian E. Young
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WeaveCast: A podcast for handweavers. Join host, Syne Mitchell, and her guests each month to discuss handlooms and the people who use them.
WeaveCast: The Podcast for Weavers
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
This multimedia tour takes you through St Ives, connecting places and spaces in and around the town to Ben Nicholson, his work and his life.
Ben Nicholson Walking Tour
Art. Internet. Technology. Culture. – An archive of episodes from season 1 - 4
716: Podcast - Archive
Experience the extraordinary lives of Sara and Gerald Murphy and the couple’s influence on a remarkable constellation of creative individuals that flourished in Paris and the French Riviera in the 1920s and 1930s. Friends of Cole Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Pablo Picasso, the Murphys strove to make something beautiful of their lives through “living well,” creating art, and encouraging their artistic friends. The result was some of the most noteworthy literature, music, theater, and art of the last century. Currently on display at the Dallas Museum of Art through September 14, 2008, the exhibition was organized by the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA.
Dallas Museum of Art :: Making it New
Focus on Flowers is a program on flowers and gardening hosted by Moya Andrews and produced by WFIU Public Media in Bloomington, Indiana.
WFIU: Focus on Flowers Podcast
Video podcast that covers opening receptions / previews of selected art venues and interviews artists and other protagonists of the world of contemporary art, design and architecture. Web site:
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ELEKTROCAST V2.0 - Podcasting the finest electronic music! Powered By Elektrotribe records in Berlin, the podcast features weekly episodes of elektrotribe artist network, including videos produced by our Vjs, dj mixes and live acts. The finest electronic music served on a dish, choose your feed style : Elektro / DnB / Hiphop / trance, put the volume up and Enjoy!
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