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Let's Get Buzy, Toulouse
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Beppe Grillo was born in Genoa in 1948. He discovered his talents in the venues of his own city, but it was in Milan that he found true success when he had an audition in front of a RAI committee (at which Pippo Baudo was present) and he improvised a monologue. This gave rise to his first appearances on TV (Secondo Voi 1977-78 and Luna Park 1979) when he immediately established himself with his satirical monologues and thus breaking with the traditions of “professional” TV broadcasting.
Beppe Grillo
Imago is and is going to become a "World radio".
The audience rating is clear: Imago has got regular listeners in every web covered corner in the world. From Greece to China, from the USA to Sweden, from Cape Town to Tokyo, Baden Baden and Sydney.
Radio Imago
Let's Get Buzy, Toulouse
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une émission vaguement musicale, un ton léger, de grands experts qui s'y connaissent, des rubriques hebdomadaires et éphéméres, sur radio FMR, Toulouse.
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