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This podcast is dedicated to all the ex-Mormons out there, who need a place to tell the world their own personal exit story from the cult of Mormonism.
Also, feel free to express your feelings on anything about Mormonism, whether it be your experiences, what you think about the doctrines, etc, as this podcast is truly for all you ex-Mormons to have a voice and be able to express yourselves openly to the world.
I mainly created this podcast so that ex-Mormons can feel free to record their own story, in their own personal way, on their own time, or have a close friend or family member interview them.
Please feel free ex-Mormons to get in touch with me, so that you can send me your story or recording on anything that you feel the need to express.
Mormon Truth Stories
AffirmingSpirit Radio is dedicated to guiding listeners to learn more about the amazing power of affirmations. What are they? How can they help? What are the most common myths? How can you write your own powerful and personal affirmations? To find out, join us on AffirmingSpirit Radio!
AffirmingSpirit Radio -
Two Canadian Witches discussing The Wigglian Way.
The Wigglian Way Pagan Podcast
Powerfully energizing! These messages are direct power kicks. Dedicated to your spiritual evolution. Key challenges with best strategies to overcome them - Brought to you by - For topic suggestions for future podcasts, email me your questions at
< Spirit - News >
Listen to Dr. Ellis Orozco as he delivers his weekly sermon from the word of God at First Baptist Church Richardson, TX. If you live in the Dallas area or are visiting the DFW metroplex, please stop by and join in our community.
FBC Richardson, TX
Daily prayer and scripture readings including music and psalms that follow in the ancient traditions of the Roman Catholic Church yet made to feel contemporary through talented readers and remarkable music. Follow along using the session outlines at From ancient times the Church has had the custom of celebrating each day the liturgy of the hours. In this way the Church fulfills the Lord's precept to pray without ceasing, at once offering praise to God the Father and interceding for the salvation of the world. For this expressed purpose, the recordings of the Hours presented here are intended to expand awareness of this Liturgy, introduce and practice the structure of this prayer, and to assist in the recitation of the Liturgy in small groups, domestic prayer and where common celebration is not possible.
This podcast is based on the Roman Catholic Liturgy of the Hours, however, several faith traditions including Anglican, Orthodox, Episcopalian, in fact, most Christian traditions should join together in these remarkable prayers.
Join us on the web at for outlines, credit for musical performances, and other great resources to help in praying the breviary.
Divine Office - Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Catholic Church - A NYC-based resource for your own unique spiritual journey. was created by New York City yogis and spiritual seekers to help others make sense of their own unique spiritual path. Join us as we conduct interviews with contemporary masters and explore the worlds of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Ayurveda, Siddha Vaidya, East-meets-West Consciousness, Human Evolution, Creativity, Spirituality in the NYC and the Modern World, Contemporary Spiritual Teachers, Modern Gurus, Healers, Therapists, Nutritionists, Psychics, Scientists, Artists, Philosophers and Visionaries. Explore more at or - The NYC Dharma Podcast & The Path of No Path
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