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John Cassidy on the perils of austerity; James Surowiecki on Tea Party economics ; Ryan Lizza on Michele Bachmann; Dana Goodyear on eating insects; Tom Bissell on video-game actors; Elizabeth Kolbert on the Neanderthal genome; Hilton Als on “Julius Caesar”;
The New Yorker
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I'm an aging hippy radio, systems, Internet geezer type guy who's having a great time thinking about what I want to tell my unborn grandchildren in a podcast.
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Audio comfort food for annoyed liberals in fleece.
Public radio parodies, produced by Merlin Mann.
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Smallitics is five minutes of blistering liberal skreed: funny, politically incorrect and designed to scrub-off the thick coating of lies Washington spews out on a daily basis.
Welcome to The Workers' War: Home Front Recalled, a partnership initiative between London Metropolitan University, the Trades Union Congress and the National Pensioners' Convention to record and commemorate the role played by trade unions and workers on the Home Front during the Second World War.
The Worker's War: Home Front Recalled
Peek inside the Berkman Center's Video Fishbowl: Conversations with leading cyber-scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, and policymakers as they explore the bleeding edge of the internet and technology, democracy, law, and society. (Also available as audio) From the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University
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The Capitol Steps bring their political musical satire to the air four times a year. Tune in on New Year's Eve, April Fool's Day, the Fourth of July, and Halloween. Visit our website at for weekly songs and to purchase albums. We put the MOCK in Democracy!
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Public Radio International/WNYC
With contrasting personalities and crazy ideologies you will never believe what comes out of their mouths. Started with The Muslim Zionist, and Catholic Free Mason, Anarchist Vegan and the Silent Indian soon come, their goal is to convey their thoughts and ideas to create a chaotic dialog for your entertainment. This show will make you laugh, cry, think and maybe even send some hate mail to us. But despite all their difference our hosts are good friends in life and just want to get the news and their opinion out. Hopefully showing the world that different religions, thoughts, and cultures can get along even if its just for 40 minutes at a time.
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A timely audio digest from the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism that includes interviews, radio shows and more to keep our membership up to date with the latest events and topics.
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Representing the diversity of ideas and opinions at Stanford, KZSU News' weekly program, "Stanford Current," looks at assorted issues from around campus and around the world. Also, the show also features bi-weekly theamtic programs that look in depth at a particular issue.
KZSU News: Stanford Current
Progressive Economics from John Maynard Keynes and the New Deal to John Kenneth Galbraith and Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman. This is low-budget, heretical economics from the other side of the tracks: the Commons and public goods, the centrality of effective demand, and the institutional chaos surrounding domination of the economy by a corporate oligarchy. Three episodes a week. Monday explores a statistical or informational current. Wednesday takes a look at an economic tool or concept. Sunday looks at the issue of the week, Forecast, Macro issue, innovation and a low carbon future, or policy prescriptions (other than wringing our hands). Supply Side prescriptions have produced contradictions that threaten our future. The market-selected winners are fiddling while global warming, poverty and economic decline blaze unchecked.
Demand Side Economics editor Ward Carroll sounds off "From the Editor's Desk." This weekly podcast features exclusive interviews with newsmakers and military experts that go beyond the headlines.
From The Editor's Desk
“Bipolar Nation with Susan & Bert” talks back to the voices in your head. A general issues talk show that covers today’s headlines, whether they're political, social or pure entertainment. Susan offers up her witty brand of liberalism on most issues, while Bert expresses his conservative, more cynical common sense approach to the discussion. Together, they offer thought-provoking commentary where you'll regularly question... "Is it our country going crazy, or are we just all becoming a little bipolar?!”
Once a month, usually the last Sunday of the month, Bipolar Nation Radio hosts "Children with Mental Illness Defined," an issue that is very near to Susan's heart as her own six year old daughter January suffers from severe early onset schizophrenia. Past shows in this series (1-18-09, 2-22-09, 3-29-09, 4-26-09, 5-24-09, & 6-21-09) have dealt with the agony of having a mentally ill child, including the struggles against the both illness as well as an often unfeeling and inadequate system. If you have a story of childhood mental illness and would like to share it, please email Susan at
KQED's live call-in program presents wide-ranging discussions of local, state, national and international issues, as well as in-depth interviews.
KQED's Forum
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is one of the nation's premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals. The Center's podcasts feature policy experts who provide updates and background on key issues in the news. Additional audio and video can be found at
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
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Fresh from Beijing, PopupChinese teaches Chinese as it is actually spoken. Start with our basic Chinese lessons, and in no time you'll be speaking like a Beijinger. Our free daily podcasts, vibrant community, and love for the real China make us the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
An American conversation with global attitude -- on the arts, humanities, and global affairs. Hosted by Christopher Lydon in partnership with Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, and updated several times weekly.
Open Source
Podcast's on this channel will be opinions and conversations re Politics in America, with particular focus on President Barack Obama and his "movement of change." Both local and national issues will be covered. One episode will be "aired" per week in mp3 format or as a text-only post.
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Covering the US government's economic depredations, police state enactments, and wars of aggression.
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