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JayWontdart's podcast
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Episode 38 Animal Farm

JayWontdart's podcast

My podcast where I talk about things that interest me, animals, computers, movies, Vegetarian / Veganism, New Zealand, Famous people and more :)

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Richard Pearse, Mister Rogers, NZ Vegan, Theme Parks like Dreamworld and Movie World , South Invercargill, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Mean Girls, 1980's movies, Nintendo Power Glove, Vegetarian / Vegan ideas, Podcasting, President Richard Nixon, No Agenda, John C Dvorak, The Buzzkill, Adam Curry, Crackpot, Blackbird, SR71 Blackbird Mach 3 plane, 1970's horror films, Deranged, Deliverance, Soylent Green, 911 Conspiracy, Old Kew Hospital Invercargill, Jumbo elephant, Loritz Circus protest, New Zealand Pork Scandal, Factory Farming, NZ Pigs, Metal Gear Solid, Once Were Warriors, Maori, South Auckland, Tunguska Event, Russia, Explosion, Lettuce Ladies, PETA, Nude, Presidential Animals, Barney, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Checkers, Obama, fly swatting, Wilhelm Scream, Sound Effects, Movie production, Agent Orange, Ivon Watkins Dow, Chemical Company, Michael Jackson's death, Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton, Living Cell Technology, Pig Transplants in New Zealand, Diabetes, Auckland Island Pigs, Michael Jackson's Memorial, Freezing Works, Slaughterhouse, Abattoir, Matthew Shepard, Killed for being Gay, Scary Technology, RFID, Death Rays, Monsanto, GE, GM, Joys of Human Invention, Anti Smacking Bill, Animal Farm, George Orwell, Communism, Eating Dogs, Cat Dissection, Lamb Beheading, Speciesism, Don Gorske, Big Mac Lover, Super Size Me, Chickens, Anti Smacking Bill Fallout, Horse Meat, Michael Laws, Hunting, Anti Hunting, Earthlings, Stand By Me, Contact, American Beauty, Always Blow On The Pie!, New Zealand Pop Culture,

with more episodes coming to you soon from Invercargill New Zealand!

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