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Common Sense with Dan Carlin
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The day's news presented by Katie Couric - Evening News Online, 11.19.10
Video: CBS Evening News with Katie Couric
This is where you'll find special Video Podcast segments from ABC7 News in Chicago.
ABC7 Chicago - News Specials
Bob Schieffer asks the biggest guests the smartest questions. Hear official Washington on the firing line, on your schedule. - Face the Nation, 11.14.10
Video: Face the Nation
NewsViews is a weekly in-depth interview segment with one of the Chicago area's leading newsmakers, moderated by Alan Krashesky on ABC7 News Sunday Morning.
ABC7 Chicago - Newsviews
190 North is the #1 rated lifestyles and entertainment program in Chicago. It's hosted by Janet Davies and airs on ABC 7 Sundays at 10:35 p.m. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Music Store
ABC7 Chicago - 190 North
ABC7's lifestyle and food reporter Steve Dolinsky reports in The Hungry Hound. The segment features restaurants and foods from around Chicago, its neighborhoods, and suburbs. It airs Wednesdays and Fridays on ABC7 News at 11 a.m. and Friday nights on ABC7 News at 10 p.m.
ABC7 Chicago - The Hungry Hound
"Always On with Molly Wood" is a weekly show from CNET that torture tests new gadgets, takes consumer electronics out into the real world to see if they can survive, and spotlights the futuristic tech that will change the world.
Always On (SD)
Device and Conquer explains and demystifies today's big topics in our digital lives. If you want to be up to speed on tech, without making it your life, spend a few minutes with Brian Cooley as he makes sense of the devices, apps and services you have questions about. Then get on with your life!
Device & Conquer (HQ)
Device and Conquer explains and demystifies today's big topics in our digital lives. If you want to be up to speed on tech, without making it your life, spend a few minutes with Brian Cooley as he makes sense of the devices, apps and services you have questions about. Then get on with your life!
Device & Conquer (SD)
See all the steps for solving tech problems or just getting more out of What you're using. Whether it's a computer tip, tweaks and tricks for your DVR, or ways to get more out of your smartphone, you'll find it in CNET How to. Each video is helpfully rated easy, medium, difficult or supergeek.
How To (HD)
See all the steps for solving tech problems or just getting more out of What you're using. Whether it's a computer tip, tweaks and tricks for your DVR, or ways to get more out of your smartphone, you'll find it in CNET How to. Each video is helpfully rated easy, medium, difficult or supergeek. All CNET video podcasts are available in standard and high definition. This standard definition feed is playable on your iPod/iPhone.
How To (SD)
Weekly video tips from the Apple experts
Macworld Video
Join Emily Dreyfuss and Karyne Levy on Rumor Has It to catch the week's hottest tech rumors, from suspected gadget release dates and leaked specs to concept prototypes showing up where they don't belong. Play along with Emily and Karyne as they vote on whether the most hyped-up rumor is likely to happen, or if it's pure fantasy. Tech rumors are the Internets favorite indulgence. And Rumor Has It says: give in to temptation.
Rumor Has It (HD)
Join Emily Dreyfuss and Karyne Levy on Rumor Has It to catch the week's hottest tech rumors, from suspected gadget release dates and leaked specs to concept prototypes showing up where they don't belong. Play along with Emily and Karyne as they vote on whether the most hyped-up rumor is likely to happen, or if it's pure fantasy. Tech rumors are the Internet's favorite indulgence. And Rumor Has It says: give in to temptation.
Rumor Has It (SD)
Tap That App focuses on all the hottest mobile applications for all platforms. But the most important question is, "Will you tap that?" This high definition feed is playable on your Apple TV.
Tap That App (HQ)
Common Sense with Dan Carlin
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"Common Sense with Dan Carlin" is a blend of audio commentary and news analysis by one of the leading thinkers among today's politically independent crowd. Author, reporter and talk show host Dan Carlin takes a look at the issues in the news through the prism of his traditional American "forward-thinking pragmatism" while pushing a fiscally conservative, socially liberal approach to solving problems. Whether he's railing against the "Fat Police", explaining the
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existence of "The Chicken Little Gene" or continually bringing up historical events no one has ever heard of, Carlin manages to be entertaining and informative in a uniquely non-partisan way. His style has been compared to Seinfeld's George Costanza on steroids. Whether that's true or not, he does often talk really fast, you'll have to keep up.
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You might also like editor Ward Carroll sounds off "From the Editor's Desk." This weekly podcast features exclusive interviews with newsmakers and military experts that go beyond the headlines.
From The Editor's Desk
Podcast's on this channel will be opinions and conversations re Politics in America, with particular focus on President Barack Obama and his "movement of change." Both local and national issues will be covered. One episode will be "aired" per week in mp3 format or as a text-only post.
OuiCast PolitOpine
Spoleto Festival USA, in Charleston, SC. Marcus Overton hosts Spoleto Today each weekday, live from Charleston, beginning the Monday before the Opening Ceremony and continuing each weekday for the run of the Festival.
Production - Spoleto Today Podcast
Armed American Radio (AAR) is the official radio program of The United States Concealed Carry Association.
Armed American Radio
Produced by WBUR Boston and PRI, Here & Now features fast breaking news, more leisurely analysis and human interest stories. We also cover the arts: film, theater, music and much more.
PRI: Here & Now Podcast
Public Radio International/WNYC
Black. Gay. Father. Vegetarian. Buddhist. Liberal.
The Republic of T.
Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC Culture
With contrasting personalities and crazy ideologies you will never believe what comes out of their mouths. Started with The Muslim Zionist, and Catholic Free Mason, Anarchist Vegan and the Silent Indian soon come, their goal is to convey their thoughts and ideas to create a chaotic dialog for your entertainment. This show will make you laugh, cry, think and maybe even send some hate mail to us. But despite all their difference our hosts are good friends in life and just want to get the news and their opinion out. Hopefully showing the world that different religions, thoughts, and cultures can get along even if its just for 40 minutes at a time.
The Muslim Zionist and Friends
A podcast about anything but. Hosted by Carrie Landers and Zack McGhee. Semi-intelligent and frequently humorous discussion on news, politics, and entertainment, usually with a segment on movies. From Dayton, Ohio.
The Sink
These policy debates hosted the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee examine the latest technology issues before Congressional lawmakers including digital copyright protection, safety, security and privacy on the Internet, wireless and broadband issues, e-surveillance, and more. Subscribe to this podcast to hear the critical issues being debated in Congress that affect the technology revolution.
The Internet Caucus Advisory Committee and the Internet Education Foundation, with participation from members of the Internet Caucus, host regular events and forums for policymakers, the press, and the public to discuss important Internet-related policy issues. See event videos online at
Congress Hears Tech Policy Debates
A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 800 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S.
Democracy Now! Audio
Stay on top of the latest headlines from the Wall Street Journal Online.
Wall Street Journal What's News
Joe Connolly
A timely audio digest from the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism that includes interviews, radio shows and more to keep our membership up to date with the latest events and topics.
Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce's Blog
Weekly interview program on politics, culture, and faith hosted by author Derek P. Gilbert.
A View From the Bunker
Fresh from Beijing, PopupChinese teaches Chinese as it is actually spoken. Start with our basic Chinese lessons, and in no time you'll be speaking like a Beijinger. Our free daily podcasts, vibrant community, and love for the real China make us the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
A weekly podcast about technology, current events and the blogosphere! Enjoy!
Ruins of Empire
Each episode explores a specific way in which the work of Congress has made a difference in people's lives - from food safety and health research to the interstate highway system.
WFIU: Congressional Moments Podcast
Audio comfort food for annoyed liberals in fleece.
Public radio parodies, produced by Merlin Mann.
QPR: Quotidian Public Radio
Politics, bare-knuckles style. I use facts and logic to kick right wing butt! Subjects include: U.S. opposition to democracy around the world, GOP voter fraud, right-wing racism, phony right wing Christians doing the opposite of what Jesus said in Matthew 25, the Iraq war, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Bush, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, unequal income and wealth distribution. I start where Al Franken and Bill Maher leave off. Plenty of audio clips of all your favorite conservative devils. Wimpy liberals and Democrats who act like Republicans are not spared either. Upcoming will be interviews and listener phone calls. Check it out!
Reportagen aus aller Welt
An American conversation with global attitude -- on the arts, humanities, and global affairs. Hosted by Christopher Lydon in partnership with Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, and updated several times weekly.
Open Source
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