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THE MOTIVATOR! Motivational Speaker and PublishedAuthor | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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THE MOTIVATOR! Motivational Speaker and PublishedAuthor | Blog Talk Radio Feed

"HELLO WORLD"! How is life on this Big Blue Marble that we call home? Good For You!! I am Moreno L. Jackson. I am also known as "THE MOTIVATOR"! Over 225 LIVE Popular Shows?Must be the Shoes"!We are Proud to announce that as of 9/17/2010 we have surpassed, on BTR, over 100,000 listens!Thank you so much!! I am a Nationally known,Author, MotivationalSpeaker,MC,Director,Blogger, Writer and, of course a BlogTalkRadio Radio Host!!As a published Author I have a book in stores and Online, it is called: Be Well!! Be Safe !! Be U!! Bring The Noise!! My MySpace Blogs Volume I!It is available to order with Amazon.Com as well as Barnes& Noble.Com.You can also order directly from this site.It is $12.95 well invested in U!!Our book is a result of a popular weekly Blog that I post on MySpace. A Blog I am proud to say has readership in the Thousands! I respect my peers Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and Tony Robbins.But: I AM NOT YOUR FATHER'S MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER!Two constants in Life. Change and Change!Change is Good! Different is Good! My Goal is to Motivate and to Entertain you! I also want to provide Tips and Power Thinker Stragies to keeping your days on a High! That is a Win Win! Each day we have two choices! One be up and positive! Two be down and lonely!I will make sure that you are Uplifted, Smiling and Motivated!You may even dance! We all have to work and preparing ourselves mentally will lead to Success in all areas of our lives! In my Live program you are going to be Motivated and Entertained! I bring my DJ and present my programs with a Chris Rock,Linkin Park,Jay Z Swagger! High Energy!! We have too have it! Life is Good!! To help others is Good! It truly will help us!! Allow yourself to be humbled! Love yourself! You are unique! You are loved! You have meaning!Good For You! Please do this now.Stand Up!! Say to yourself.I LOVE ME SOME ME!I AM UNIQUE!I AM A GOOD PERSON!Now give yourself 5 pats on the back! I'll bet you smiled!
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