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For the first time ever two underground niche marketers break years of silence and reveal revolutionary new niche marketing method that generates up to $94,042 per month on autopilot 100% Guaranteed. Introducing Niche Profit Classroom Review Cheat Sheet.
Niche Profit Classroom Review
Software development discussion from some of the best in the business. Topics range from Agile and Lean to PMP, .NET to Java, and databases to user experiences. For shownotes and discussion, visit us at
Improving Podcasts
Automation for printing and prepress. Opinions, musings and ideas.
Discover Pure Marketing Brainfood. The Big Seminar Live Podcast Highlights the Best Speakers and Concepts from Armand Morin's Big Seminar Events - Past and Present. Hear speakers like Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Stephen Pierce, Jim Edwards and more. Subscribe to Put Your Business Into Overdrive.
Big Seminar Live Internet Marketing Podcast with Paul Colligan
Monetary science applied to current events.
RunToGold Podcast
Photography podcast & blog discusses photography, digital photography, fine art photography as well as provide tips and techniques to improve your photography.
Photography podcast - photography blog -
Bekannte Softwareentwickler diskutieren über wichtige Softwarearchitekturthemen. Gehen Sie mit auf Tour und profitieren Sie von ihren Erfahrungen und Tipps.
heise Developer: SoftwareArchitekTOUR-Podcast
For entrepreneurs who want to start and grow a business to achieve financial and career independence, and still make time for their family. Learn how to get your business started including naming your business, choosing the right business identity, and establishing your LLC, Corporation, or Partnership. Learn how to make your new home based business look like a mature, established company, including creating a business identity package. Create an interactive Web 2.0 internet presence with no knowledge of HTML. Learn networking techniques including using new social networking websites to build your market and establish your brand. I want to teach you how to start your own business so you can take control of your future and enjoy the lifestyle you desire.
Startup Daddy Home Business Development » Podcast
Cleaning Success stories
The Janitorial Store's Cleaning Business Success
BriefingsDirect(TM) sponsored podcasts provide deep-dive interviews and analysis on software infrastructure topics with moderator Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
BriefingsDirect Podcasts
Small Business Trends Radio features in depth interviews with small business experts.
Small Business Trends Radio | Small Business Advice
Déclencheur est le lien entre la passion pour la photo de Benoît Marchal et son enthousiasme pour le Web 2.0. Parlons photos entre passionnés.
Mixes and commentary on harmonic mixing in drum and bass by Rocdollar who hosts a radio show on Visit for the full source feed. Big up!
Roc's Digital Soundboard
A free monthly ComplianceCast provided by CPP that provides insight for IT Executives about improving efficiencies, meeting service levels and preparing IT organizations to meet audit and compliance initiatives.
Compliance Process Partners, LLC -- Building Effectual IT Organizations
Midwest Media Now is a show about Content Creation in the Midwest and the tools it takes to do it. Your hosts Sean McMenemy and Matt Kern are gathering round tables about content creation in the Midwest. We'll be talking about the ideas and the tools it takes to make them. So be a part of the show and lets talk about your production, podcast, or blog.
Midwest Media Now!
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
The CultCast
The CultCast
Cult of Mac's shiny new podcast, CultCast, is the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you'll hear all week!
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville presents the best in cover songs, 2 to 3 times per week. Recent episodes have included the Skatalites' cover of the Beatles "I Should Have Known Better", and an all-Tom Petty cover story!
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Apple Context Machine is Mac, iPhone, and iPod news and analysis that puts the facts in perspective, brought to you with a sense of humor. Hosts Jeff Gamet and Bryan Chaffin put the Apple world into context.
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
The enhanced AAC edition of the show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. We cover everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have the MacCast. Enjoy!
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History, a daily podcast featuring what happened on this day in Apple Computer's storied history. ©
MGG 311: Flashing Lights, Syncing, Blu-ray Rips and More
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The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
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Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
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Dave and John have put together a fantastic show for you today, discussing solving some pesky Address Book MobileMe sync issues, what to do when your power light flashes, IMAP and Trash behavior, ripping Blu-ray discs on your Mac, and more. Subscribe, support your two favorite geeks, download and enjoy! […]
MGG 311: Flashing Lights, Syncing, Blu-ray Rips and More
Dave and John have some great answers to your questions, including how to open all browser links in new windows, sharing hotel internet, wired vs. wireless network extensions, removing [Gmail] from’s IMAP display, and more. Plus, they share with you some listener tips about ejecting disks and software updates […]
MGG 310: Safari, Disk Ejection, Software Updates and More
The queue was overstuffed, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to get the stuff out with another Cool Stuff Found show! Too much to mention here in the description, just trust us that you’ll want to listen to this show! Download today, listen… and then go check out […]
MGG 309: Cool Stuff Found
John and Dave both finally took the plunge and migrated to the new MobileMe Calendars, then moved some shared calendars from Google over to MobileMe and tested that out, too. Hear them tell their tales and explain the differences during the show. Then it’s on to answering your questions and […]
MGG 308: MobileMe Calendars, Disk Repairs, Mail Sending and More!
How do John and Dave ring in the new year? They do it by answering your questions, sharing your tips, and solving your problems. Come see why Mac Geek Gab is one of the most popular Mac podcasts in existence! In today’s episode you can learn about UPSs, how to […]
MGG 307: UPSs, Time Machine, USB Booting & More!
An unscheduled — and unscripted — show today for all of you before your two favorite geeks take their holiday break. John got his new Mac Mini and tells the tale of his migration to it from his G5, lots of tips there. Dave has been working with the Drobo […]
MGG 306: Mac Mini Migration, Drobo FS, Macworld Contest, and Paul Kent!
John and Dave discuss tracking’s rule processing, dealing with small web page fonts, managing SMTP server ports, and backing up IMAP mail. Additionally, they talk through using and migrating to the new MobileMe CalDAV calendar and why you should — or shouldn’t — bother to do it. A great […]
MGG 305: IMAP Backups, Web Page Fonts, MobileMe CalDAV and More!
Answering your questions about hard drive corruption, printing issues, mail, firewalls, and more, John F. Braun and Dave Hamilton are your RATGOCs for the day (Reasonable and Trusted Geeks of Choice). Subscribe, support your favorite RATGOC, and spread some holiday cheer. Oh, and hey, you’ll learn something about your Mac […]
MGG 304: Hard Drive Corruption, Printing Issues, Bluetooth
Dave and John talk about setting and sizing’s preview pane, a really easy way to change your short username, merging iTunes and iPhoto libraries from multiple sources, editing your menu bar, router speeds, maintenance scripts and lots, lots more. Add in a healthy dose of holiday cheer and you’ve […]
MGG 303: Mail, Short Usernames, Merging Libraries, More!
John and Dave nearly break their record today and answer a ton of your questions in this fantastic episode of Mac Geek Gab. Starting with five (yes, five!) answers to comparing folders, your two favorite geeks then move on to answer a few iPhoto questions, discuss syncing Notes between your […]
MGG 302: Comparing Folders, RAM/SSD, Maintenance, and Notes!
John and Dave are back after their Thanksgiving break and have put together a fantastic show for you. Well, YOU have put together a fantastic show for them, because it’s your questions about converting Word and Pages documents, printer issues, splitting and sharing USB and Ethernet, and more that are […]
MGG 301: Converting Documents, Printing, Splitting USB and Ethernet
John and Dave celebrate their 300th episode by assembling a cast of some of their favorite Mac podcasters and personalities. Listen in as Ted Landau, Adam Christianson, Michael Johnston and Pilot Pete join your two favorite geeks. The cast shares their computing histories, favorite Mac tips, and more! This was […]
MGG 300: A Celebration Among Geeks!
John and Dave are back with a great show today filled with some fantastic answers. First a tip that (here’s the free giveaway) indicates that WPA does protect you from Firesheep’s antics, then it’s on to fixing pesky iTunes firewall dialogs, killing processes, preference fixing and more. Subscribe today, support […]
MGG 299: Geeks Dig Deep and Get The Answers
It’s time for another Cool Stuff Found episode. Yep, folks, John and Dave bring you a TON of great tips, software, tricks, and apps to make your computing life — and, indeed, your life in general — smoother and more fun! You won’t want to miss this so download today […]
MGG 298: Cool Stuff Found!
John and Dave have put together a killer Premium show for all of their loyal subscribers today. Topics covered include sending mail remotely, VPN needs for the average user, how Xgrid works, preference problems and much, much more. As always, there’s simply too much to list, so support your favorite […]
MGG 297: Mail, VPN, Xgrid, Troubleshooting, More
John and Dave have put together another great show this week. Highlights include answering one of Dave’s favorite tricks as your two favorite geeks discuss pasting with and without formatting included, also a discussion on automounting drives that leads into some great tips for storing your iTunes library on Network […]
MGG 296: Unformatted Pasting, Automounting, iTunes NAS, More
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