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For the first time ever two underground niche marketers break years of silence and reveal revolutionary new niche marketing method that generates up to $94,042 per month on autopilot 100% Guaranteed. Introducing Niche Profit Classroom Review Cheat Sheet.
Niche Profit Classroom Review
Tax time can be taxing, but it doesn't have to be. TurboTax has practical advice and information to make your tax season less taxing. This entertaining podcast series breaks down complex tax issues that could affect your tax return. Listen weekly to learn valuable tax tips. For more information, visit Music by Jason Gaines.
TurboTax Podcasts
Discover Pure Marketing Brainfood. The Big Seminar Live Podcast Highlights the Best Speakers and Concepts from Armand Morin's Big Seminar Events - Past and Present. Hear speakers like Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Stephen Pierce, Jim Edwards and more. Subscribe to Put Your Business Into Overdrive.
Big Seminar Live Internet Marketing Podcast with Paul Colligan
After 30 years of being broke... and even homeless, insider declares: "This Is EXACTLY How You Go From Broke And Unemployed To Making Over $29,842.33 In Less Than 30 Days
Starting With No List... No Website...
And No Money..."
IM Interviews and Reviews
Watch As I Grab Dozens Of Top Search Engine Listings Right Before Your Eyes! I will use social marketing, social networking and social bookmarking to get traffic immediately. Come by and check it out!
Social Networking Bookmark Domination
BriefingsDirect(TM) sponsored podcasts provide deep-dive interviews and analysis on software infrastructure topics with moderator Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
BriefingsDirect Podcasts
Design Snacks is an extension of the ever-popular CreativeXpert Design Interviews audio program, featuring up to the minute tips, tricks, found links and lightheartedness. It's like a bacon-wrapped doughnut, dipped in gravy (on a stick)
CreativeXpert Design Snacks
Un podcast realizado desde la Ciudad de México que habla sobre desarrollo de aplicaciones en Visual Studio .NET, ASP.NET, Visual Basic.NET, SQL Server y otras tecnologias realizado por Raúl Guerrero
SuperNeurona - El podcast de desarrollo de Raúl Guerrero
Bekannte Softwareentwickler diskutieren über wichtige Softwarearchitekturthemen. Gehen Sie mit auf Tour und profitieren Sie von ihren Erfahrungen und Tipps.
heise Developer: SoftwareArchitekTOUR-Podcast
Design Critique encourages usable product designs for a better customer experience.
Using principles and experience from our careers helping clients and employers create usable products, we critique software and hardware based on long-term experience with them in our own lives.
We also interview our peers in the user experience-related fields of User-Centered Design (UCD), human-computer interaction (HCI), usability engineering, information architecture, technical communication, interaction design, customer research, and more! All while maintaining a light-hearted spirit of inquiry about how we can improve the world by designing products that serve people better.
Design Critique: Products for People
The GTD Virtual Study Group meets by phone on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 4 pm Eastern. Anyone can join the calls--simply email the podcast owner and request an invitation to our group.
GTD Virtual Study Group
I rant, review, reflect, read my own writing and talk about whatever is on my mind. As a blind person, my take on life, the universe and everything focuses on accessibility to life and technology.
Scarborough Fair Podcast
A free monthly ComplianceCast provided by CPP that provides insight for IT Executives about improving efficiencies, meeting service levels and preparing IT organizations to meet audit and compliance initiatives.
Compliance Process Partners, LLC -- Building Effectual IT Organizations
Software development discussion from some of the best in the business. Topics range from Agile and Lean to PMP, .NET to Java, and databases to user experiences. For shownotes and discussion, visit us at
Improving Podcasts
Midwest Media Now is a show about Content Creation in the Midwest and the tools it takes to do it. Your hosts Sean McMenemy and Matt Kern are gathering round tables about content creation in the Midwest. We'll be talking about the ideas and the tools it takes to make them. So be a part of the show and lets talk about your production, podcast, or blog.
Midwest Media Now!
The latest news and analysis on cloud computing by Geva Perry, James Urquhart and guests
Overcast: Conversations on Cloud Computing
The CultCast
The CultCast
Cult of Mac's shiny new podcast, CultCast, is the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you'll hear all week!
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville presents the best in cover songs, 2 to 3 times per week. Recent episodes have included the Skatalites' cover of the Beatles "I Should Have Known Better", and an all-Tom Petty cover story!
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Apple Context Machine is Mac, iPhone, and iPod news and analysis that puts the facts in perspective, brought to you with a sense of humor. Hosts Jeff Gamet and Bryan Chaffin put the Apple world into context.
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
The enhanced AAC edition of the show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. We cover everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have the MacCast. Enjoy!
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History, a daily podcast featuring what happened on this day in Apple Computer's storied history. ©
MGG 455: Hey NSA, Can John Have His Packets Back?
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The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
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Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
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John and Dave get their Sunday morning by getting you your Mac Geek Gab! Topics this week include securing your Internet activity when you want to remain private, creating vacation/away messages with Mail, Dave talks about the new AMP Gain and much, much more. Download today – it's free! – and […]
MGG 455: Hey NSA, Can John Have His Packets Back?
Dave's back from WWDC and he and John have a lot of your questions to answer! Discussion includes sending and receiving SMS messages from your Mac, restoring settings for ONE iOS app at a time, creating your own secure, off-site backups, and more. Plus some follow-up discussion about running “flat” […]
MGG 454: Power Interruptus
Dave's at WWDC, but the bandwidth gods blessed he and John for a cross-country Mac Geek Gab. They talked through some of the geekier aspects of the WWDC announcement, answered a few questions, and shared the answer to a long-standing question: Should 2.4GHz and 5GHz have different SSIDs? Listen now and […]
MGG 453: WWDC, TiVo, Mixed-Spectrum SSIDs
Dave and John bring a special guest into the studio today to talk about waterproof iPhone cases — a perfect topic as you plan your water-centric summer getaways! Along with that, of course, it's questions and tips from and for you, dear listener. Why not join your two favorite geeks for […]
MGG 452: Charged and Dry
Dave and John finish up the Memorial Day weekend (here in the USA, anyway) in the best way they can imagine: partying with their fellow geeks and recording Mac Geek Gab. Indeed, this episode delivers, too, answering your questions and sharing your tips, of course, but also asks the question […]
MGG 451: The One That Became Mostly About Mail
As you have come to expect from your two favorite geeks, this show brought to you with real-time logistics: Dave flew in just in time to make the recording of the show, coordinating with John and prepping the agenda from the car while Dave's wife drove him straight to the studio. […]
MGG 450: Don’t Play Ding Dong Ditch on an Airplane
Here's John and Dave, on a warm, Sunday evening, doing what they love to do: answering your questions, sharing their tips, and gabbing with you about all things Mac, Apple, and otherwise fun. Join them, would you? It's free! Just download, press play, and enjoy! Sponsor: Gazelle is the fast […]
MGG 449: Finding iCloud, Creating Workflows, and More!
Join your two favorite geeks for this festival of questions, answers, tips and tricks! And the best part is… it happens every week! You don't need to wait a year for this party to get started each time! This week your geeks answer questions about network switches, securely storing data […]
MGG 448: Geeko de Mayo
Dave and John looked at the mailbag, and you're either going to love or hate what they found: so much Cool Stuff that they just couldn't not do a Cool Stuff Found episode this week. Yes, we know you say they're expensive to listen to, but don't worry: your two favorite […]
MGG 447: Cool Stuff Found
John and Dave kick off this Saturday edition of Mac Geek Gab answering your questions and solving your problems. Topics this week include removing Mail attachments, converting your AACs to MP3 for your car, differences in maintenance utilities, migrating from POP to IMAP, and more. Download, listen, and enjoy. Why […]
MGG 446: Don’t RAID My Storage (or do!)
Dave and John are back, as usual, for this Sunday evening show, helping you answer your pesky Mac and iOS questions as well as using their own experiences to teach valuable lessons. This week Dave spent far too much time troubleshooting a crashing iPod. He even got it replaced and it […]
MGG 445: Beware the Mobile Documents Folder
John and Dave answer your questions about PhotoStrem, Cable Modems, iMessage and more. Dave dug deep into Apple's Two-Factor authentication and shares some surprising revelations about that, too. All this and more for free! Download today and enjoy. Sponsor: PDFpen from Smile: Effortlessly edit your PDFs. Add text, images and […]
MGG 444: Diagnostic Mode Can Be Fun
Join Dave and John on this world-famous podcast recorded on the world-famous Backup Day to hear not only about backups but about LOTS of things, including answering your questions and sharing tips with you to make your life with your Mac and iOS devices better and better. Have a question […]
MGG 443: Don’t Jack Up my Backup!
Dave and John (or is that John and Dave?) come at you with a list of all-new Cool Stuff Found on this Sunday morning show. Yes, they know these CSF shows are expensive to listen to, but we know you love it anyway! Find out all the stuff that John, […]
MGG 442: Cool Stuff Found and More
Dave and John once again dig deep into the mailbag for you, answering all your questions. This week includes questions from many listeners, all asking about a variety of topics. Learn how to free up inactive RAM, analyze your Mac's crash reports, whether or not you should run as admin […]
MGG 441: … But No Ringo!
Dave, John, and Pilot Pete come together on this Sunday afternoon to chat about wrangling in Notification Center, managing (and deleting!) “recent recipients” in iOS mail, understanding Java versions, managing the Launchpad and much, much more! Sponsor: Transporter is an off-cloud social storage drive for sharing, accessing and backing up your […]
MGG 440: Time Keeps On Slipping Into The Future
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