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Thomas taler om søgemaskineoptimering, marketing og alt det, du skal tjene pengene på. Garanteret renset for Jantelov og små sko!
Thomas Rosenstand om SEO, SEM, Google
After 30 years of being broke... and even homeless, insider declares: "This Is EXACTLY How You Go From Broke And Unemployed To Making Over $29,842.33 In Less Than 30 Days
Starting With No List... No Website...
And No Money..."
IM Interviews and Reviews
The behind-the-scenes podcast of FuncWorks discussing software development, graphic design, and technology startups.
Feel The Func
Small Business Trends Radio features in depth interviews with small business experts.
Small Business Trends Radio | Small Business Advice
Join Jeff and Rob as they help you through the maze that is business communications. Share their knowledge on productivity and cost-saving for your small or medium sized business.
2 Big Telecom Guys
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
Design Critique encourages usable product designs for a better customer experience.
Using principles and experience from our careers helping clients and employers create usable products, we critique software and hardware based on long-term experience with them in our own lives.
We also interview our peers in the user experience-related fields of User-Centered Design (UCD), human-computer interaction (HCI), usability engineering, information architecture, technical communication, interaction design, customer research, and more! All while maintaining a light-hearted spirit of inquiry about how we can improve the world by designing products that serve people better.
Design Critique: Products for People
The latest news and analysis on cloud computing by Geva Perry, James Urquhart and guests
Overcast: Conversations on Cloud Computing
Cleaning Success stories
The Janitorial Store's Cleaning Business Success
Design Snacks is an extension of the ever-popular CreativeXpert Design Interviews audio program, featuring up to the minute tips, tricks, found links and lightheartedness. It's like a bacon-wrapped doughnut, dipped in gravy (on a stick)
CreativeXpert Design Snacks
Tax Lien Investing Tips - Join the Tax Lien Lady to learn how to invest profitably in tax lien certificates and tax deeds.
Tax Lien Investing Tips
A free monthly ComplianceCast provided by CPP that provides insight for IT Executives about improving efficiencies, meeting service levels and preparing IT organizations to meet audit and compliance initiatives.
Compliance Process Partners, LLC -- Building Effectual IT Organizations
Software development discussion from some of the best in the business. Topics range from Agile and Lean to PMP, .NET to Java, and databases to user experiences. For shownotes and discussion, visit us at
Improving Podcasts
BriefingsDirect(TM) sponsored podcasts provide deep-dive interviews and analysis on software infrastructure topics with moderator Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
BriefingsDirect Podcasts
Un podcast realizado desde la Ciudad de México que habla sobre desarrollo de aplicaciones en Visual Studio .NET, ASP.NET, Visual Basic.NET, SQL Server y otras tecnologias realizado por Raúl Guerrero
SuperNeurona - El podcast de desarrollo de Raúl Guerrero
The GTD Virtual Study Group meets by phone on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 4 pm Eastern. Anyone can join the calls--simply email the podcast owner and request an invitation to our group.
GTD Virtual Study Group
The CultCast
The CultCast
Cult of Mac's shiny new podcast, CultCast, is the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you'll hear all week!
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville: The Cover Music Podcast (AAC Edition)
Coverville presents the best in cover songs, 2 to 3 times per week. Recent episodes have included the Skatalites' cover of the Beatles "I Should Have Known Better", and an all-Tom Petty cover story!
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Mac Observer's Apple Context Machine
The Apple Context Machine is Mac, iPhone, and iPod news and analysis that puts the facts in perspective, brought to you with a sense of humor. Hosts Jeff Gamet and Bryan Chaffin put the Apple world into context.
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
MacCast (Enhanced) - For Mac Geeks, by Mac Geeks
The enhanced AAC edition of the show for Mac Geeks by Mac Geeks. We cover everything Macintosh. Keep up to date on the latest Mac news, topics and rumors. Throw in a good dose of helpful tips and listener questions and feedback and you have the MacCast. Enjoy!
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History
This Day in Apple History, a daily podcast featuring what happened on this day in Apple Computer's storied history. ©
Hello, Sailor. Nothing Happens Here – Mac Geek Gab 647
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The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab Enhanced
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Dave Hamilton and John F. Braun come together weekly to discuss things of interest to Mac geeks, yet present them in a way that's both entertaining and informative for the average listener.
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Ever get the spinning beach ball at the top of your screen? John and Dave can help with that. After all, they come together each week to solve your Mac questions and problems. Other topics include selecting your sending address from Mail, controlling when iCloud Photos get sent to the cloud, […]
Hello, Sailor. Nothing Happens Here – Mac Geek Gab 647
Spring is almost here for the northern hemisphere, and that means it's almost lightning season. It's time to talk UPSs and battery backups. Listen as John and Dave talk through all the permutations you'll need to know to choose the right UPS for your setup. On top of that, a […]
How do I choose a UPS? – Mac Geek Gab 646
Inexpensive quasi-mesh Wi-Fi, cloud management for your videos, changing your Finder icons and upgrading your Mac's Wi-Fi to the latest standards are just how this show starts out! From there it's on to answering your questions about monitoring iOS data usage, looking at PDF data – all of it! – […]
Don’t Fear The Wi-Fi – Mac Geek Gab 645
A little iOS Geek Gab segment starts the show, discussing batteries – both internal and out – as well as screen protection. Your geeks share their picks and, more importantly, how they pick. Then it's on to some great tips from both your two favorite geeks and you, including managing […]
iOS Geek Gab, Managing RAM, Converting Numbers to Excel – Mac Geek Gab 644
Cool Stuff Found kicks off this week's show, with email clients, Wi-Fi Widget(s), combo iPhone/Watch chargers, disk utilities and much, much more. Then, after a few additional tips from you, dear listeners, it's time for your questions. Topics this week include comparing local vs. Cloud storage for things like your […]
You Scratch Your Head, I’ll Scratch Mine – Mac Geek Gab 643
Have a website with multiple passwords and Safari always chooses the wrong one? Want a shopping list app to manage as a family? Photos showing greyed-out people? That's just how this week's Mac Geek Gab starts, folks. Then it's on to Dave's review of the new Synology RT2600ac standalone router, plus […]
Safari Passwords, Shopping Lists, and Synology RT2600ac Router – Mac Geek Gab 642
Cool Stuff Found today contains lots of things you suggested after listening to recent shows, including tools to help your Mac sleep, help you manage your keyboard shortcuts and macros, privately sync your notes, auto-file your Mail, and free backup storage! Then its on to sharing your tips and answering your questions. Want […]
Speeding Up a Sluggish Mac and Cool Stuff Found – Mac Geek Gab 641
Migrating Photos to a new Mac, managing and syncing your family's photos, speeding up iOS Spotlight searches, fixing an unresponsive Digital Crown on your Apple Watch and resolving website loading delays are just some of the things you'll learn from your two favorite geeks in this week's show! Listen as Dave […]
Managing Photos, Fixing Your Apple Watch & Resolving Network Issues – Mac Geek Gab 640
Back from CES, your two favorite geeks have some fun stuff to report about and all of your questions to answer. The latter include things like fixing's CPU-hogging, which hibernatemode to use for your MacBook, and much, much more. Press play and enjoy!Note: Shownotes are complete! Chapters/Timestamps/Stuff mentioned: 00:00:00 Mac […]
Moving Photos, Fixing Mail, Securing Your Network & More – Mac Geek Gab 639
Need to use Mini DisplayPort monitor with your USB-C Mac? Need to make screen recordings? Need a Dropbox replacement? Your two favorite geeks have you covered with these questions and others. Cool Stuff Found segment includes a way to control your reboot sounds, your clipboard, and your unwanted robocalls. Plus, […]
Happy New Year from Your Two Favorite Geeks – Mac Geek Gab 638
Everyone got AirPods except you? No worries, Dave and John have you covered with some AirPods alternatives. Otherwise it's listener questions dominate the show, as usual, with topics ranging from where to store your iTunes Media, network topology, replacements for Dropbox's missing Public folder and much more. Download today and […]
Christmas Morning with Your Two Favorite Geeks – Mac Geek Gab 637
It's true, John and Dave – and you, fellow listeners – have gone acronym crazy! BYOD is discussed, as is TOR browser on iOS and elsewhere. RAM performance under Sierra makes an appearance as do a TON of tips, especially one for speeding up Safari on slower Macs. VPN makes […]
The First Rule of The Darknet Is Don’t Talk About The Darknet – Mac Geek Gab 636
Filing Mail, RAM suggestions, DOCSIS 3.1 and accessing your data from The Dark Side are just some of the topics of questions answered by John and Dave this week. Then it's on to a follow-up from the router show with a sandwich of geeky holiday gift suggestions from your two […]
Filing Mail, Router Follow-up, and Geeky Gift Guides! – Mac Geek Gab 635
Quick tips to start: copying mail (instead of moving it), editing your default Touch Bar, a new way to create pinned tabs in Safari, ejecting an external Blu-ray, and disabling notifications. After that it's time to answer your questions about secure email, SSD upgrades, keychain errors, portable audio recording setups […]
Mail Tips & Solving Generic Dock Icons – Mac Geek Gab 634
This week we answer all your questions and queries about which router you should buy and how to go about deciding this for yourself. Standalone vs. mesh, eero vs. Orbi, 2×2 vs 4×4, we cover it all. After listening to this episode you'll have both the information and even some […]
Deep Dive: How to Choose a Router in 2016? – Mac Geek Gab 633
Your questions answered, including those about Sierra's keyboard viewer, recommended OS and RAM configurations for older (and newer!) Macs, Stopping apps from launching on login, finding photos on your iPhone, Bluetooth interference and more. Then it's Cool Stuff Found and some tips. How can you go wrong? By NOT downloading […]
MGG 632: The Truth and Its Relatives
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