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Help - Lucky'sStars - Horoscopes for pets & pet astrology on Pet Life Radio.
Most Popular - Lucky'sStars - Horoscopes for pets & pet astrology on Pet Life Radio.

These pet podcasts are about pet astrology, featuring pet horoscopes. Astrology plays an important part and role in your pet's life, be it a cat, a dog, a parrot, a pigeon, a horse, etc. Have you ever wondered why your dog or your cat behaves differently? The answers could be determined by their date of birth and how astrology affects their character.

You'll have an easier time in raising your pets if you understand what makes them tick and how their basic behavior will evolve depending on their astrological sign. If you just got a new pet for your home, here's a great way to know just what to expect out of them and how you should behave to them, so that both of you can get on well with each other... on Pet Life Radio.
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