Welcome to the 1337jads Show. We are here to educate you and at the same time entertain you…(Educate..pff) about the gaming world. We will bring you to the whole world of gaming. Interviews with companies, businesses and to live events. We will have live calls from the gaming community and hear your 2 cents of the conversation. Only being the second podcast to actually have live calls and contests we are pretty siked about it!! Please tell your friends about us because we are rapidly growing as a gaming community. Don’t be afraid to call in through skype because we will love to hear from you!! We may even throw in some never before seen footage of a movie or game… We will combine what all great podcasts have into one superb one!! We discuss what games are coming out in the future and what deserves your time. We will have game nights for the Ps3, Wii and Xbox360!! Thanks for choosing us!!