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Arts, culture and city life from WNYC, New York Public Radio, 93.9 FM, 820 AM.
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Adam Carolla (born May 27, 1964) is an American radio personality, television host, comedian, and actor. He currently hosts The Adam Carolla Show, a talk show distributed as a podcast on the ACE Broadcasting Network. The Adam Carolla Show recently claimed the title of the Guinness Book of World Records "Most Downloaded Podcast".[3]
Adam Carolla
IGN is your site for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC, 3DS, PSP & iPhone games with expert reviews, news, previews, trailers, cheat codes, strategy guides & walkthroughs
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Delivering the largest adult radio audience in Sydney, the Macquarie Radio Network is home to the number one rating talk station, 2GB 873, and easy listening 2CH 1170. Macquarie Radio Network Limited was listed on the ASX in April 2005.
Macquarie Radio Network (C)
A leader in health policy and communications, the Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit, private operating foundation focusing on the major health care issues facing the U.S., as well as the U.S. role in global health policy. Unlike grant-making foundations.
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Comedy/music duo Paul and Storm chat about the things that occur to them, but not for so long that you get too sick of it.
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From Adudathuda Studios comes the premiere season of DVD podBLAST alternative DVD commentary. Download the BLASTs, sync them up with the DVD (or don't) then kick back and enjoy the movie as no one ever has. Season Two is available at
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une émission vaguement musicale, un ton léger, de grands experts qui s'y connaissent, des rubriques hebdomadaires et éphéméres, sur radio FMR, Toulouse.
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Hosted by Murray Valeriano and Joe Wilson, ROAD STORIES is a first hand look at life on and off the road for today's top comedians. Tune in for stories from Maria Bamford, Hard and Phirm, Jackie Kashian, Graham Elwood, Sarah Colonna and many, many more...
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In the early 1960s, Mal Sharpe and James P. Coyle roamed the streets of San Francisco with a microphone, roping strangers into bizarre schemes and surreal stunts. Today, their humor has become a touchstone for a broad range of comics and personalities from The Upright Citizens Brigade to Henry Rollins to WFMU radio.
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The Adam Carolla Podcast - Listen to Adam rant and rave about whatever he feels like in this new enviroment. Unfiltered, with no one to tell him what he can and can't say. The funniest man in podcasting.
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A weekly podcast about Teaching English in Japan and living in Japan. Anthony Oliver and Eric Timmer talk about life in Japan as English teachers. 日本の生活について英語で話すのポッドキャスト。
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Everyday of the week listen to the great shows from Old Time Radio. Those great shows that made of laugh or gave us exciting journeys into the Dramatic, Suspense, Action, Westerns, SciFi,and Adventure.
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KQED's weekly reading series featuring writers and performers of all stripes reading the latest short fiction, non-fiction, theater and poetry. Visit to check out the complete archive.
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"Never Not Funny" is a party conversation with one of the funniest men on the planet: comedian and TV personality Jimmy Pardo ("The Tonight Show," "That '70s Show," "The Surreal Life"). Every week, he sits down with producer Matt Belknap and a guest from the world of comedy to shoot the breeze, share stories and laugh at life. The free-flowing discussion can lead anywhere, but whether Jimmy's talking about growing up in the '70s and '80s, his unbridled love of classic rock or facing the trials of modern life, it's bound to strike a chord with listeners of all ages, and it's guaranteed to make you laugh. (This is the free feed of Never Not Funny. For full episodes, video and more, sign up for the Primo at
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Hapless would-be actor and comedy writer Jim Ryan pits his characters against each other in a series of no-holds-barred debates covering anything and everything about role-playing games. But can they do it in under five minutes? Tune in and find out!
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une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
The first ever location based comedy - a parody of museum & gallery tours, which follows the listener into the real world. With your host, the inimitable Byron Frump.
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Very Vocabulary is one of the first and most famous Educational Podcasts available on iTunes. With tens of thousands of listeners it may be the biggest Amateur Non-Profit Podcast out there. Learn some new words and get your nerd on with Adam Santana and the subtle humor of his lo-fi educational podcast. Visit for other links to educational websites.
Very Vocabulary: Learn English Words Podcast
The Moth features people telling true, engaging, funny, touching and eye-opening stories from their lives. Hailed as "New York's hottest and hippest literary ticket" by the Wall Street Journal, The Moth has been producing sold-out storytelling shows for over ten years. Stories are told without notes to a live audience by a wide range of people. The best have been captured here. For more information about our programs, live events, and CD's for sale, go to The podcast is updated on Mondays.
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Dave and Krewer talk about whatever's on their minds: From the sane to the wacky. Each episode features a new theme to get the guys going. So, if you want a few laughs and some good conversation, check out the Dave and Krewer Show. ---Features a "Dave Interview" and a "Krewer Vignette" each week.
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Welcome To Rosemary Goes To The Mall Dot Com!
In the Spring of 2006, Rosemary had the brilliant idea of creating a giant sculpture made out of shopping bags from the Mall of America. Congratulating herself on her genius, she went to the Mall and started asking stores for bags, but they wouldn’t give them to her without buying something. Thus began one of the most misguided adventures of her young life, as she slowly worked her way around the Mall, making purchases at every retail store but two (she lied to get the Eddie Bauer bag, and got weirded out at Daniel’s Leather). In the end, she made purchases at over 300 stores, returning (most of) those purchases bag-less on the following visit.
Among her favorite items were the $100 Stella McCartney yoga mat, the gold lamé Puma gym bag, a super cute pair of Mia sandals from Macy’s, and a $300 pair of Prada sunglasses – inspiring her alter ego, “the lady with the Prada sunglasses” to take over for a couple subsequent shopping trips. Other adventures included getting high at the oxygen bar and buying a $500 GPS system for her car at Radio Shack. She kept only the things she really needed, or were too cute to pass up, and she got stuck with a lot of dumb stuff from stores that didn’t accept returns.
In all, Rosemary spent $15,339.46 at the Mall, and she can’t quite bring herself to publicly state the dollar amount of the purchases she kept. Her husband stopped looking at the credit card bill about 5 shopping trips in, citing “increased anxiety and a tightness in his chest.” Rosemary, having grappled with the shopping-related demons of boredom, guilt, anger, and exhilaration, is just really glad it’s over.
Rosemary Goes to the Mall
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