Six adventurers have set out to bring you the greatest Dungeons and Dragons Podcast ever. Join us each week, as we delve further and further into the madness and chaos that is Security By Obscurity
Starring The Ehteem:
Matthew Thomas as Thymoménos the Centaurian Barbarian
Lisa Bryan as Lussani, the Human Cleric
Nick Handley as Morgran Burningaxe, the Dwarven Paladin
Frank Occhiato as Frak, the Changeling Wizard
Tyler Michael Jonsson as Fazumar Faelcree, the Elven Druid
Hero Carlisle as The Dungeon Master
Also featuring appearances from:
Michael Rosenbaum
Cassi Jerkins
Sir Chase Hooper
Also, fans of Security By Obscurity who also play World of Warcraft are always welcome to join us for adventures on the Horde side of the Khaz Modan server. Send a message in game to Cirboinik for a guild invitation.