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Spontaneous Zen talks given in the Rinzai tradition by Ven. Eshu Martin, abbot of the Victoria Zen Centre in Victoria, BC, Canada.
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The best in nu-jazz, broken beat, bruk beat, dubstep future-funk, afro-latin house, neo-soul and soul-jazz classics.,, Facebook:
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MIDNIGHT MARAUDAZ NU-JAZZ PODCAST MIXED BY DON-RAY - A NYC-based resource for your own unique spiritual journey. was created by New York City yogis and spiritual seekers to help others make sense of their own unique spiritual path. Join us as we conduct interviews with contemporary masters and explore the worlds of Yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts, Ayurveda, Siddha Vaidya, East-meets-West Consciousness, Human Evolution, Creativity, Spirituality in the NYC and the Modern World, Contemporary Spiritual Teachers, Modern Gurus, Healers, Therapists, Nutritionists, Psychics, Scientists, Artists, Philosophers and Visionaries. Explore more at or - The NYC Dharma Podcast & The Path of No Path
Weekly astrology forecast. Concise, accurate and helpful. No knowledge of astrology needed!
This Week in Astrology
Join this YOFA podcast and begin to more joyfully manifest your heart?s desires. Learn quick tips that bring your understanding of Law of Attraction to new heights. Get practical insights from the woman behind YOFA, the remote inner alignment sessions called the YOFA jhe Sessions, and the author of Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment, Dr. Rebbie Straubing.
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Hearts Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction
Fusion & Detonation are thought processes that improve life, defy aging, and death. The laws of science and ancient religion are identical. When properly applied to the mind, you can perform supernatural feats which are actually normal for us all. Come learn to live beyond the veil and be free.
Fusion & Detonation - Podcast By Semaj
هذا البرنامج يختص بتعليم اللغة الفارسية ومن خلال متابعة حلقاته ستكون قادراً على تعلم واتقان اللغة الفارسية وعلى التعرف على الثقافة والحضارة الايرانية - الاسلامية كما ستتعرف من خلالها على الشعب الايراني وثقافته.
اللغة الفارسية هي لغة الدولة الايرانية التي كانت في العهود الغابرة اكبر مما هي عليه في الوقت الحاضر، ويتكلم بهذه اللغة حالياً شعوب واقوام عدة في افغانستان وطاجيكستان وفي اجزاء من باكستان والهند وفي بعض دول الخليج الفارسي كالبحرين مثلاً، وللغة الفارسية لهجات عديدة يتكلمها نحو مائتي مليون شخص.
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Listen to our daily radio program, Jay Sekulow Live! for issues that matter most to you - national security, protecting America's families, and protecting human life. The reports are brought to you by the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a nonprofit organization specializing constitutional law and based in Washington, D.C. You can learn more about our work by visiting our website at
Jay Sekulow Live Radio Show
Australian produced television series, Haunted Australia. Join the cast and crew as they report behind the scenes to give you an insight into the show, its cast, crew and locations.
We will be hosting discussions about the show and the paranormal field with co-hosts, viewers and international peers.
CONTACT Talk Radio International presents cutting edge interviews with fascinating people, geared toward overall mind, body and spirit; environmental sustainability; social justice and more. CTR connects listeners with tools that will assist them in making positive and empowering choices for their lives.
Contact Talk Radio: LIVE with Cameron and Davindia
In the Flow metaphysical podcast is hosted by Crystalline Light owner Jennifer Salness. Join us for a weekly (or as guided) podcast featuring information and insights about spirituality, ascension, crystals, stones, energy, earth tools, and co-creation to awaken you to your own Light. More information is at Blessings to you!
In the Flow metaphysical podcast
This is a story about belief--in God, sexual ethics, morals, political ideologies--told through two friends’ struggle to make sense of life’s triumphs and tragedies, which they interpret through very different religious filters. Ian wants answers his faith can’t provide, so he abandons traditional religion, turning instead to science and reason. Bill has become a devoted Christian who sees the bountiful harvest that can be achieved through faith. Only when a pair of shocking revelations test the friendship, and shatter their worldviews with deadly consequences, do they stumble upon a genuine secret of the universe.
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Jim and Them are the combination of Jim Scampoli and Jake Sprague and Jeff Murphy (sometimes but not recently Brandon). With their powers combined they become POP CULTURE! WARNING - Dick jokes running wild!
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A new podcast based on the book 'The Approach to Philosophy', written by Ralph Barton Perry PH.D.
Mister Perry was assistant professor of philosophy at Harvard University when his book was first published in 1905.
The series of podcasts is produced by Calzada Broadcasting an comprises a collection of readings from the book by Steve live on his English language radio programme on RCC 107.6 FM in Spain.
The Approach To Philosophy - Free Online Course
alias of New
Mexico-born, Ohio-raised multimedia artist, John
Ibarra. Musically he
combines the aesthetics of ethnographic field
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El Plan De Aguavodka Podcast
Welcome to the great work. It's a one man show on occultism and yogic science that works, magickal arts, personal design science, the mass evolution of humanity and the overthrow of our deluded archon masters
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Government Cover-Ups, Ancient Civilizations, Secret Societies, Alien Invasions, What if it is all true? Magic, conspiracy, mind control, ETs, strange science, weather wars, space wars, and the miraculous, Radio Freeman explores them all.
Radio Freeman
Scientific information on marijuana and it's medical uses.
Dr. Bob's Cannabuzz
This logical fallacies content is used with permission from Dr. Michael C. Labossiere (, also found at
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Podcasts from students of THEO 2100 at Xavier University of Louisiana
Podcasting World Religions
Welcome to won't You Be My Neighbor?!! Does God piss you off? Do you feel like your favorite sports team doesn't get enough respect? Have you been waiting for two hosers from the West End of Vancouver to come up with a podcast that speaks mainly to those two specific needs? If so, you've come to the right place my friends. Please subscribe and let the hilarity ensue.
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
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